A Brain tumour is th cause of my infertility.

OMG! :shock: What a shock for you all. I'm so sorry. What a huge thing to have to go through. I hope you are treated soon and recover really quickly. Keep your eye on TTC and that should keep your spirits high.
:hug: :hug: Thinking of you. Lucyx
I am so sorry you are going through this but as you have said the treatment is often relatively simple I have heard and the results are usually excellent. :pray: everying is sorted soon and you get that BFP.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
u poor thing xxx
i dont know much about these things but i know of 2 people who have had surgery for pituitary tumours and they had an operation thru their nose and both made full recoveries and have never looked back

wishing u all the best and a bfp once its all sorted!!xxx
Sorry to hear this. At least you know and it can be treated now. Has it affected you in any way other than your fertility? Really hoping it's sorted out soon :hug:
OMG what a shock! I hope everything turns out OK


Sorry to here your news, but like the others say I think all will be sorted.

I had a brain tumour removed when I was 3 (in 1978) which was pressing on the pituatary gland, and considering the techniques and drugs used today the removal of mine was old fashioned. Any way they kept and eye on everything especially through puberty on the pituatary gland (they weren't sure how my growth and periods would be) and all was normal. I apparently had a small dose of radio therapy in 1978 but everything is functioning and it only took 5 month to get my BFP, so I think once you have had your treatment everything will swing back in to action and you will get your BFP :hug:

:hug: Im so sorry.

Hope your back on the TTC road very soon :hug:

I hope everything goes well with your treatment and you get your BFP very soon.
Oh my lord, it certainaly puts things in perspective, Take care of you. God bless and Good Luck x

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