fighting back tears because of opions frm work colleagues!


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2011
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Every other day they love to say how im nt showing and if somethings wrong wiv baby. Now ive jvst left work for the for a doc apointment unrelatd to pregnancy and when I left my female coordinator who was siting nxt to my male coordinator says oh luce ur realy nt showing why.whats the matter cus u knw u r nearly half way thru!and so on.and each time I said I was ok and baby is she kept saying wel ur nt showing. I felt like saying well I frigin knw I ask that question to myself everyday. Soz for typos on phone.i swear I wud go insane if I didnt have u ladies and the forum!xxx
What a bunch of t*ts, excuse my language but that is not right. Some people dont show until they are alot further than you hunny. Could you not have a word with them and tell them how you feel? Sending you massive :hugs: x x

I would be having a word with your PR lot if I was you, it is not professional for them to make comments on your health and of your baby's, whether you are showing or not! I wouldn't even be entertaining these people in conversation to be honest. I didn't show till I was around 24 weeks and even then was a slight bulge, even now I am constantly getting told I am looking 'neat' and that I am having a very small baby or am I sure I am due in a few weeks? Ignore their ignorance hun, they obviously have nothing better to say than to make idle convo's x
Thanks ladies nw im crying I sat down wiv a doc ive never seen before.he looked at screen and said u av had a lot of blood tests recently why. I said I was pregnant and he goes realy,where.ur nt showing at all how far r u and I said 19weeks tomoz he said I cant believe it I wud of never said u were pregnant. He said u nervous and I said yeah and panicked when people like u n at work say im nt showing!he said sory and I askd for blood results while I was there he said I cud b anemic and lookd at my fingernails and eyes and said eat mre leafy veg! I looked on screen and it said 'LOW RED BLOOD COUNT 3.9PERCENT' is that bad then?xxx
Just means you will go onto iron tablets and have black poo hun lol really don't worry about not showing right now, you are still pretty early on and have plenty of time to show and not have full mobility, seems like you are surrounded my a load of numpties x
You need to do a few things here:
1) Speak to your regular GP and tell him/her how you're feeling. Ask what that comment on the screen means and what you can do to make it better.
2) Speak to your midwife (even if its only over the phone and not face-to-face) and get some reassurance that its ok not to be showing at 19 weeks (it means you have fab tummy muscles!!)
3) Speak to your HR department (it is always confidential - it has to be) about the comments at work.
4) Do your very best to block these comments out and stay calm.

Good luck x
dont worry about not showing yet hun you will just have good strong stomach muscles :) tell your work collegues to not pass judgement you shouldnt have to put up with it xx

this is me at 17 weeks on my 4th baby too

Some people can be so rude! Tell them to mind their own bloody business! I don't look pregnant either and doubt I'll be showing much by 19 weeks. You probably have good tummy muscles holding it all in or baby is sitting differently or you have less water than some women. Try not to worry about it, I just think about afterwards, means less flab to get rid of! We all start off different shapes and sizes so it means our bumps will all be different shapes and sizes too. With my daughter I was absolutly massive but I spent 9 months stuffing my face so a lot of the baby bump was really fat!
oh hon dont listen to them, not all bumps are the same some women dont even know they are pregnant until they give birth as they never even had a bump, babies can lie in all sorts of hollows and gaps in our bodies which would make them not as obvious, plus alot of women dont show much until they are around 24 weeks which is nearly a month away for you and you will probably find you wake up one morning and your bump has just popped out!!!! There was a woman in my doc surgery with a bump smaller than mine and she was due the following week!!!!!! Just tell anyone who comments to mind their own damn business!!!!!! lol!!!
has that idiot even got any kids? some people can be so rude!! i never showed until gone 20 weeks.. and only had a tiny bump then! everyone is differnt!!x
Aww please don't worry huni. With my 1st pregnancy people were shocked when I told them I was pregnant. I barely had a bump! After I had my c-section even the nurses were amazed at how flat my tummy was a day afterwards! My son was born a healthy 6lb 3oz and now he's a strapping 14yr old. Its different this time around...I'm a whale haha But it just goes to show you that every pregnancy is different, be it symptoms, bump size or weight gain.

Your work colleagues are a bunch of numpties! Insensitive and ill informed. I would just smile at what they say and respond with, baby and I are fine, ta for your concern, and leave it at that. They'll soon get fed up with the same response each time they open their flapping gobs.

As for your iron count, you'll more than likely get put on iron tabs for it. I'm surprised that the doc didn't prescribe these for you. I'd ask for them or speak with your MW. x
Was just thinking, have a nosey through some recent bumpy pics for tri 2 and 3 it's amazing how diffent everyones bumps are, some are big and some are tiny even late on, makes me feel much more confident that we're all so different!
What is wrong with some people?? That's really not on what they're saying to you, hun. My cousin was totally flat on her second baby all the way until the third trimester and she and baby were fine. She has the sweetest and smiliest little girl to show for it :yay:
You will be the same - you're just carrying differently. I think idiots like your work colleagues believe what they see on the telly ie foam, perfectly formed and average bumps when really they come in all shapes and sizes in real life. Do tell them what Babysmomma said (great response!!) and smile and wave like in Madagascar hehe! Smile n wave, boys, smile n wave :wave:
Chin up - all is well xxxx
oh darlin poor you, unfortunately people think when youre pregnant they have the right to comment on everything, no matter what size you were. I was the size of a house with my LO and everyone commented, now Im not showing at 16 weeks (well only a tiny bit and you would know only if you knew if you get my drift) and Im getting comments about that too. I dont care that much at the moment, but I would start telling people how you find their comments hurtful and offensive and tell that girl who keeps commenting on your size that her arse is getting rather large lately....that would shut her up hey!!!! and if she doesnt like it point it out thats how you feel so why should she be making comments about your body.
Bless you you poor thing xxx
Sarah13 - great point!! Always makes me feel good - I love all the individual and frankly beautiful bumps we have on here xxx
tell that girl who keeps commenting on your size that her arse is getting rather large lately....that would shut her up hey!!!! and if she doesnt like it point it out thats how you feel so why should she be making comments about your body.
Bless you you poor thing xxx

PMSL that is genius! x
Do you think they may be questioning your pregnancy? What a horrible bloody lot grrrrr..... Love ,Gemini's idea....oh please say that back to them!!! I always say to people who take the piss at me being overweight by saying " I may be fat but you're ugly and I can always diet!"
what a horrible thing to say. just to echo what the other girls said.. you'll have an easier time loosing the pregnancy flab and everyone is different.
I was pretty big with my first but didn't show properly till about 24 weeks with my 2nd.
My SIL is pregnant with her first just now and is about 18/19 weeks and she still has a very flat tummy.
Try not to let them get to you :hug:
Thank you to absolutley every single one of you, you have made me giggle lol ' i like big butts and i cannot lie' may be my song of the day!!

Thanks for all and every single idea of action, comeback and even pics and recomendations to look through pics.

Im 19 weeks today its flying.

Trace im not sure but in a way yeah it kinda felt abit like that. I dont mind if i become the size of a house or stay the size of me normal self just want everything to be ok.
My coordinator I confided in when i first annouced the news, I told her i would be extra sensitive etc and she knew me n Jon had had to have extra scans at the beginning and were under the early pregnancy unit so of all people it is her that has hurt me.

You have all supported me so much :) thankyou

I know peoples sizes can vary when pregnant and not and think its very shallow minded of people who dont realise this. I know anyday know I will blossom out. all that scares me is I havent felt movement etc which i know isnt uncommon but all together these factors make me worry.

and whenever i see MW everything is fine, i understand you can be small and have a big baby and vice versa, people at work seem to be so stupid to not realise that it is the size of the baby that matters not if i have a big bump or not or if i have water retention.

Bloody people! lol

Bump below,

I know im small but hey like you all say hopefully I got good stomach muscles and will be cheaper on clothes lmao big loves and hugs to you all


  • 2011-05-05 07.19.41.jpg
    2011-05-05 07.19.41.jpg
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Fingers crossed you do remain smallish though, I was hoping I would till I ballooned and went from size 8/10 clothes to some at size 16 lol be grateful you have great ab's because when you start to grow bigger there is no stopping it! x

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