Ffs me again!!!!!

Oh god, hope you're ok hun and your OH gets there soon. I really feel for you with all this stop - start crap. FX that things will progress for you this time and you have LO real soon. :hugs:xxx
oh Jayne how frustrating :( Glad hubby can get an earlier flight to you xx
I wish they'd just help you out hun. They must realise that pea is fine and the stress on you isn't doing your or bubba much good. Hope they decide to help you out soon or pea decides to come of his own accord x x
Awww I'm so sorry hon, it must be really frustrating and upsetting :hug:
Fingers crossed things will progress for you this time lovely, c'mon little pea mummy and daddy wanna meet ya! :)
huge hugs princess to you and pea xxx
Ass's... Thinking of you and hoping things get going quickly for you... X
Oh No Jayne! You do have a trouble babba. :hugs:
Hope your OH can get there asap too you and LO decides now is the time. x
oh sweetheart :hugs: really hope things progress for you this time..
so sorry your having a hard time of it.
sending all my love and best wishes your way..
come on pea xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sorry to hear you are having a rough time of it. Hope Pea decides to make an appearance soon. xx
Awh no love :( come on pea stop terrorising your poor mummy x
that baby!!!!

i really hope you will hold your LO soon :hug: i hate the idea that you are alone at the hospital at the moment. i hope your oh will get to you soon.
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Oh hun! :hugs: hope you are ok and baby comes soon. All this stop starting is not good for you as i bet its very frustrating! Thinking of you hun.xx
I hope shes gone quiet because she's pushing Pea out. FX.
Eeee the little tinker! Hope things are going well n you've managed a bit rest x
Thats a right little monkey you've got there. :hugs: hope he makes an appearance soon.

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