Few Questions...


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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i'm know for bombarding this site with questions..

so thought i'd fit a few into one topic hehe..

When did you first here your babys heart beat on doppler? (i just bought an angel sound one.. brand new off ebay £25 including p&p)
I'm only 8weeks so not expecting anything for while yet, but just curious)?

When did you start to show? I'm only 8weeks, but my boss said to me today, i can see your tummy filling out lol.. its water retention, and i had to sit there all day with button undone all day :'( (i know while before show, but curious again hehe)

thats my questions for today lol.. they'll be many more tho hehe xxx :cheer:
Hey there hun first qu i cant answer as i never bought that myself. Second i can answer with my little boy i was around 19/20 wks and with my little girl i was around 16/17wks but i think this time il show a bit earlier as its my 3rd but i guess really it all varied from person to person and all throughout both prevous pregnancys i wasnt overly big so guess its different from person to person :D
thanks for your reply chick,

i'm a size 12, and m/w said because i got a lil tummy already it'll prob fill out quicker lol..

she said it in a nice way tho lol..

i want a baby bump, fed up being bloated :'( xx
i got a summers one and i didn't manage to find the heart beat till after 20 weeks.

i googled it for you ;


The Angel Sounds Fetal Doppler enables you to experience the thrill of hearing your baby's heartbeat, hiccups and kicks from as early as 12 weeks gestation.

i was (and am) a larger girl, and i don't think i really showed for ages, but i lost loads of weight - i gained it slower than i was losing it to start with.

For me, i felt i changed shape more than got a bump. people who saw me daily saw my bump develop.
thanks for your reply chick :hug: :hug:

i've bought one, but i have to have to make sure idont use it till 12weeks or i'll be worried...

as for iccle bump, i've def changed shape, water retention hehe x
I think it varies but remember taking ages to show with my first. Couldnt wait for the bump....at 5 1/2 months i'd put on 4 lbs.........put it on much earlier with my second though........congratulations :)
I bought a doppler off eBay as well, it came last week and i found the heartbeat after a couple of tries at the weekend so i was just 13weeks :D mine has a LCD screen that shows the baby's heart rate so it was really nice to hear and see it. x
i brought the angelsound one, its fantastic with the ultrasound gel, and i got it at 11 weeks and found the heartbeat withing a few seconds.
Now if i use it it sounds really strong and you can hear baby moving etc, but without the gel, i cant hear a thing. so i would suggest getting the gel if you havnt. And then you may even be able to hear the HB now! :hug:
Got the angelsounds and could not get a heartbeat until 14 weeks, but my placenta was anterior.

Re belly, i had a 'bump' from about 10 weeks but it was just bloat and water, the one i have now has sprung from nowhere and is higger and rounder and defiantely more baby, although i can still just about hide it under a coat!
I couldn't find a heartbeat until about 18 weeks with my angelsounds- and even now, at almost 34 weeks I still can't find it on days so don't worry if you can't find one.

Everyone shows at different times.. I didn't look pregnant until about 27 weeks and I'd only started looking bloated from about 23- try not worry, or rely on whats 'normal'!

hey girls thanks for post..

i've def got some bloating going on, and jeans are startin to pinch alot lol..

tried the dopler... couldnt hear anything but DEF did not expect to so early, just wanted to see how it worked..

its amazing lil piece of equipment.. apparently.. u cant hear the HB until the baby has moved from behind your pubic bone, as you cant hear through bone,

We found the heart beat at around 12 weeks, but it took a while, we could hear placenta before that though

I too was very bloated to start off with, i was hiding in baggy clothes and thats why people got suspicious, i usually wore nice tight things, so they though i was either reacting very badly t break-up with baby daddy or pregnant lol

I started getting a genuine baby bump about 12 weeks, i was pretty small to start off with but not at all toned and i think thats probably why. However it wasnt until about 20 weeks i felt my bump was recognisable by strangers as bump
I only got an angel sounds one at around 16 weeks, and i could hear it then but probaly can hear it a lot earlier!

I only started to show at 20 weeks!!
Don't know about angelsounds but I bought the fetal heart monitor from mothercare but couldn't pick up any sound until well into 2nd tri - even in 3rd tri I could barely pick anything up.

I didn't start to show until I was about 18/19 weeks but even then it was only obvious to me and OH...probably 21 weeks when other people noticed.
hey hun!! :wave:

cant answer first as i havent got one.

for the 2nd answer - i am already filling out, i have a little bump at the bottom and even OH commented on it last week, also you can see it through my top now as my work trousers are quite low!!! :)
I was very bloated from about 7 weeks at 12 weeks a few people commented about me having a tummy and looking pregnant already, and about 13 weeks I brought my first maternity jeans cause couldn't cope any more! I feel I look pregnant now without clothes on but still not really with clothes on im 16 weeks today and cant wait to look obviously pregnant!

I am not buying a doppler cause I'd only worry myself with it, I had midwife wed and it took her ages to find heartbeat and shes a professional, like others said when you do start looking for it don't let it worry you if you can find it!!

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