few questions..


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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:whistle: so now when its 90 days to duedate i wonder.. when is it time to start wash babyclothes, organise hospitalbag, write birthplan and so on?
am i getting a little too excited too soon? :roll:

also saving me from making another thread, i got another question.
Last night after we had been out for a meal i got this pressure under my ribs, it didnt hurt but it felt like it made it hard to breath.. is it just the fact that its growing and baby is pressing higher up? it was very uncomfterble :wall2:
I'd say do the hospital bag at 32 weeks, wash the clothes at 34 weeks :) And do your birth plan whenever you want :)

Not sure about the pressure though hun x
Hmm i'm wondering this aswell!!! Also when do you book the antenatal classes as midwife didn't mention it to me when i went for my appointment?

Also is there any recommendations to what washing powder to wash baby clothes in?
Hmm i'm wondering this aswell!!! Also when do you book the antenatal classes as midwife didn't mention it to me when i went for my appointment?

Also is there any recommendations to what washing powder to wash baby clothes in?

Non-Biological powder and white sensitive fabric conditioner!

Ante-natal classes I think you have to book through your hospital x
I think Vixforever is doing a fab job of answering questions but I just have to point out....Isobel84...How bloomin fast is your pregnancy going?!?! 90 days left...Thats flown by! :shock:
I think Vixforever is doing a fab job of answering questions but I just have to point out....Isobel84...How bloomin fast is your pregnancy going?!?! 90 days left...Thats flown by! :shock:

Cheers Melio10 :lol: lol xx I know her pregnancy is flying! xx
I think Vixforever is doing a fab job of answering questions but I just have to point out....Isobel84...How bloomin fast is your pregnancy going?!?! 90 days left...Thats flown by! :shock:

tell me about it.. feels like yesterday i sat her making the phonecall to OH to tell him i was pregnant.. :oooo:
hehe, I started getting stuff ready from about your stage. Did things very gradually and slowly. There is a lot of stuff to gather and wash and Im so glad ive got it all organised now cos I just dont have the energy!!

My baby sometimes puts his foot under my rib and its really uncomfortable, I have to try and dig my fingers under my rib n leave them there for a min or so, he gets uncomfortable then and moves. :lol:
i layed in bed and gently pushed down from my ribs towards my tummy and after about 30 min it did ease, maybe it was Noa stretching higher then im used to.. maybe i just ate too much :D
I've started getting stuff together for my hospital bag and hope to have that all done in the next two weeks. I want to get my birth plan sorted by then as well so a copy of it can go in my bag and I don't have to worry about packing it if things kick off.

With my antenatal classes I booked them through the GPs surgery so I guess it depends on how your area organise them.

I'm going to wash everything in non bio about week 36 and clean out all drawers to put them in - depends if I have any drawers though as OH is making them!!

my to do list is still really long though and I'm getting our wedding organised for a month after my dd so i am living by lists at the minute!
i have all the stuff bought for my hosp bag but wont pack it till about 32wks + i have washed cloths as iv got them but 90%have been second hand so wanted them done straight away then they are ironed and packed in the draws

as to the short of breath rib thing i have that a little too def more out of breath and achy especialy when im walking a fair way and this heat just makes it worse

im not writing a birth plan as such it willl just say epidural! lols although it still in air weather il have an elective c sec or not
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Sorry if this sounds dim but why do you wash the clothes before bub has worn them?
cos there are chemicals on them from when they were made, and youre supposed to wash everything in non-biological washing powder as babys skin is really sensitive. Also baby's have really good sense of smell and use it for bonding so all the clothes smelling the same is important :)
I have started washing this week as the drawers weren't delivered until last week
bags, I have had lists done for a bit and things are in organised(ish) piles
Birth plan I need to sort and write into my notes although, that is again written note form...
im def gonna wash everything, also cuz i think i will love it.. see all the little clothes hanging there to dry.. :D
:love: i loved it, and I ironed them all too! :lol:

Some of the vests were smaller than the iron so it wasnt easy!
Can you wash baby clothes in washing machine? I was just wondering they are so small and doing it by hand so that they retain their softness. What do you all think?
mine have all gone in the machine at a boil wash! :rofl:

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