Fetal pole, yolk sac and baby... no heartbeat..


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Jul 3, 2015
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Anyone had a similar experience, I thought I was 8 weeks and 3 days when I went for a scan on Wednesday, turns out I can't be that far along as the baby was measuring too small, and they couldn't find a heartbeat.
I'm back on the 10th of July for another scan to see if they can detect the heartbeat.
Anyone else been through this and the baby has been fine at the second scan. I understand I may misscarry but there is no signs at all that I am or will. Just looking for some other peoples stories on similar situations?
I had a scan with my girl. It was so early on that they could Only see the sac, no baby, nothing else.

I went back 2 weeks later and there was a baby that looked like a jellybaby and had a heartbeat.

You may just be too early to tell but in the mean time just try and relax x
I'll try to relax, the person who scanned me said later over the phone that it is okay not to hear a heartbeat and they weren't too worried but I guess I am worried x
My 1st scan at under 5 weeks showed nothing but a thickened lining of my womb but HCG bloods where positive I was pregnant. Next scan a few days later showed the sac, 3rd scan was the yoke and pole but no heartbeat. I was worried sick. I was about 6+3 when the heartbeat could be seen along with another wee baby measuring a week smaller with no heartbeat, a week later both have heartbeats xxx
This was my scan at 5weeks & 4days.. then 7weeks & 4days, 9weeks 4days, 12weeks & 3days & 16weeks!!

Sometimes it's just too early to see anything yet :)



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Try not to worry hun!
I went for a scan at 6+2 with pain. I was dated 5+6 with just a yolk sac present.
Was asked to go back 2 weeks after and was then put forward to 8+3.. And the difference was amazing!

He'll be 2years old in a week :)
Im sure you will see something much clearer on your next scan xxx
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My mum has worked out my dates again and said gestational wise I may only just be six weeks, hearing everyone's stories has made me a little more confident :)

Only time will tell and thanks everyone x
Try not to worry hunni. With my youngest I had a scan around 6 weeks and couldn't see baby then, 2 weeks later you could see baby and heartbeat etc. Easier said than done to say don't worry, I know.....I'm sure everything will be fine xxx

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