I take the seven seas trying to conceive as well as inofolic (recommended by my doctor for pcos) and omega 3 with added vit D.
I’m just about to add coq10 to the mix because of my 3 cps, there may be an issue with egg quality which is most likely from the pcos which hopefully the inofolic should sort but I thought I’d try this as well.
I’m always really reluctant to add new supplements as I know they can sometimes do more hard than good. That’s why I haven’t tried Maca as I haven’t found any research from a reliable source.
I’m reading ‘it starts with the egg’ the beginning is all about supplements and has different plans for ladies who are just starting ttc, been trying for a long time, suffering recurrent miscarriages, pcos, endometriosis and those preparing for ivf. It’s supported by a lot of research which I like.