feeling your own cervix .... erm

^^^ yup :D couldn't have said it better lol xxx

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I haven't read this whole post so I'm sorry if it's already been mentioned but if I was to try to feel my cervix, what am I feeling for? What does it feel like?
Anything from a ripe plum/end of your nose to a very over ripe version soft squishy and opening maybe - it's different in each lady at did times x

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So it's quite hard? This is gonna be hard! Where's Tim when I need him lol
Have a google for pictures of it, it will give you a good idea of what your feeling for :)
i never found it chaz.. i will try again in a couple of weeks and i will def stick some EPO up there soonish x
Hmmm ok just stuck my middle finger up there and everything just felt squishy!! My fingers are quite long too but couldn't go in any further! Is squishy good? Lol
thats all i felt aswell.. no wonder our OHs likes it up there its well warm and soft :D

i think its good but i never felt any plums or noses and also second time i tried i felt sick cuz i was so scared i was gonna feel something hard and hairy!
I used to check my cervix when ttc, so have a fair idea of how things should feel up there.

last night, i was discussing with oh what i thought might be a variscose (/sp) vein in my foo foo that i noticed a few weeks ago, and the conversation moved to how he was off dtd due to possibly feeling the baby! this prompted me to check (thinking oh must be feeling something up there that i dont know about to put him off sex, usually he is a walking hormone lol)

anyway, the vein thing is still there. but the most owrrying thing was that i could feel the baby's head :shock::shock::shock:

i told oh who admitted he could feel it too but he didnt want to worry me :fib:

i wasnt convinced about what i had felt so went to check again. it is definately the head, and he was not a happy bub as he wriggled :oooo:

WTF?!?! anyone else felt this? have i got a hope in hell of going to my due date?

i never did feel the cervix, too scared to go rummaging up there now, so cant say if it is low/high opening or anything, but is it normal to feel the head about 2 inches in????
Oh wow skimpy! That's creepy!! Er I possibly would mention it to midwife.
:rofl: I have caved and can feel a dohnut. It's not open in the middle at all, I guess that means it's closed. Lol. Well, when I go
into labour I think I'm going to check my own cervix so I don't go into hospital too early. Lol!! I just spoke to my mumand she just told me she felt hers before going to hospital (tmi from my mother) lol.

Omg skimpy, my middle finger is about 3-4 inches long, i got quite long fingers and i couldn't feel anything! I don't really know what i'm feeling for mind! I'd def mention it to m/w!! I know some people who can dilate to 3cm's for weeks without knowing though!
Yea they don't class you as in labour till your 4cm now I was like omg!! I was in so much pain at 3cm before and my mw told me they would admit me 3 if I was contracting but some
People get to 4 without a pain I was like omg lol!!

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too scared to go checking again but dont think i could feel cervix, more the baby's head through a wall or something, so maybe cervix is too high up to feel yet... like i said, scared lol.

its wierd because with ds we couldnt wait but now with ds2 imminent, i wish time would stop!!! the weeks are disappearing to quickly :shock:

i can feel that things have dropped, so just going to take it easy and hope he doesnt fall out :rofl: before he is ready

evie, going to read your thread and see how you are feeling today....hope you not too uncomfortable xx
oh my god im not having another feel it would freak me out if i felt a head!!
I think i'd freak little man out... he'd be like what the hell is this coming into my home lol!! When i tried the other night, he was wiggling around like mad then got the hiccups! I think i scared him lol
but if you have sex then his willy must rub against the head ??
Omg, Ok not checking now! I dont care if i know whats spose to be up there, i do NOT wanna feel body parts!
Lol as the babys head sinks into the pelvis you might be able to feel extra pressure and the water sack pressing down but as long as the waters haven't gone baby is none the wiser and nothing is going to Bob his/her head don't worry hun xxx

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but if you have sex then his willy must rub against the head ??

been off dtd for a while now, combo of being completely shattered, oh being miles away and moving house. now oh is not keen on the idea, and i kinda understand :rofl:

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