Can't find it (TMI thread!)

Iv just gone and felt mine (nice mental image for you lot lmao) i could get my fingers to a 'wall' and that 'wall' was rather soft. i couldnt feel anything round like a donut though but I couldnt get my fingers up anymore, not because of ymy bump but cause there was a 'wall' in the way. hmmmmm
No one asked me about my birth plan either, or gave me any idea of what to pack for the hospital, or anything like that. Useless!

Couldnt reach it atall today.. bummer. Why forefinger though? I always used middle and ring.. Lol
Iv just gone and felt mine (nice mental image for you lot lmao) i could get my fingers to a 'wall' and that 'wall' was rather soft. i couldnt feel anything round like a donut though but I couldnt get my fingers up anymore, not because of ymy bump but cause there was a 'wall' in the way. hmmmmm

It could be off centre.. mine is xD mine is waaaaaaaay off to the right at an angle, always has been, so have a feel to the sides when you are at that "wall" bit aswell :)
and it should deffo feel round like a donut?
I shall go have a fiddle and see what I can find :thumbup: :lol:
warning: DO NOT google search 'Checking your cervix in late pregnancy' with your 'safesearch' off. :thumbup:
But if u fiddle with ya cervix won't it cause the plug to shift?? I wanna try but I'm actually scared
Wow I'm sooo glad I posted this thread, I'm gonna go have another try in a minute! KatieB, you are a legend, and your midwife sounds fantastic!!!
I'm a bit shy around my midwife because she seems a bit uptight, when I asked her if there was anything I could do to induce labour she couldn't even say the word 'sex'! If she was more open I think I'd feel more comfortable talking to her about this stuff.
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Couldn't reach mine, but my fingers aren't very long...
Lealea, nope your cervix prob is still closed, even if it isn't, you don't actually put anything inside it, just feel
For it so you know what it is. The plug is well and truly attaché unless your ready to lose it! I cant wait to lose mine :) x
Ok, just had another go, found that if I kind of 'sit' on my hand with it on the toilet seat I can use my fingers properly, might work better for you that way indigo??
However, there is definitely no 'donut'. All I can feel is a 'flap' of something about a cm long and I can put my finger round the outside of it. It's definitely soft, so does that just mean I need to wait for it to shorten?
Sorry for all the tmi :p
I've just had a go at this and to be honest I don't know what I should be feeling for, everything feels the same (very soft). It has left me bursting to go for a wee though!
after katies 1st post how many of us felt their noses pmsl
i was feeling my cervix with one hand and touching my nose with the other to compare :lol:
I want to feel my cervix dammit :brat:
I tried to go as deep as i could, right up to the ends of my fingers but i could still go further, it all felt really soft though :eh:
I either have a really friggin high cervix wich sucks? or tiny stumpy fingers OR im feeling it but dont realise lol
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