antenatal class on your own???? I did it. xxxx


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2008
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Today is my antenal class...well..tonight 7-9pm.
It's about labour and pain relief :shock: what fun!!! DH was going to come with me but i don't think he can now-he works in a bank and on Tues they open late so he has appointments in. :( I forgot to tell him that the class was this week until this morning so it looks like I might have to go on my own.
Would you go on your own?
Anyone that has been to one-are other women on their own or is it all couples?
I don't want to miss it but I'm a bit of a shy person and feel apprehensive about going to a class on my own, especailly if i'm the only one!! I'm thinking...what if they ask you to do activities etc with your OH, discuss things etc-I'll look silly!!!
I'm probably being silly worrying about this, but just thought some of you girls might have experience of this sort of thing.
:D :D :D
I don't think there would be any problem going on your own... I went to one with my friend and there were women there alone...

Alternatively is there someone else, friend, mum who could go with you?

In my area its mostly couples, my partner works a lot and I was worried about going by myself too (my classes aren't until mid May though).

My nice midwife says plently women take a friend or mum instead, and that some partners/husbands just refuse to go :shock:
I did mine on my own - with my first - as dh's hours were just not compatible - my hands were swollen so I had removed my rings and I worried I would be judged - it was absolutely fine - i wasnt the only person on my own and people talked to me more because I was on my own - sure it'll be fine - people's lives are so busy these days it is not always possible for ohs to go to these things
i went to mines on ma own. oh didnt want to come. but i had fun! and there were other mums 2 b on their own to aswell as couples.
i had my first class on friday, and there were a couple of d2b there, and three women, including mself who went alone. then there was one lass who brought her mam.

dont worry about it too much, but if you feel nervous, take him along for the frst class and see how you get on.

i was quite glad to go on my own, as i got talking with the other m2bs, but i found the couples didnt really get into the spirit of it, as they had each other.

s'pose it al depends on what you hope to get out of the class - some new friends, or practical advice??

good luck :hug:
We had 4, all with the same group. At the first one everyone was with someone else - not necessarily partner, one girl had her boyfriends mum there. The 4th one was at a different time and about half of the women were there without partners or friends.

Could you get a friend to go with you? If not, go along anyway and start talking to someone as soon as you get there. It's easy to start conversations with pregnant women as you have some obvious common ground to start with :D That way you'll have made a friend there so you won't feel like you're sitting there knowing no one.

You will not be asked to do things as a pair. We had to discuss things in groups but it was groups of 5 or 6.

I would say definitely go - where I am having baby they don't give you pethedine. Instead you can get morphine as it makes baby less sleepy and has less side effects for you so whereas I would not have gone for pethedine I would consider morphine. I only found this out because of the antenatal class on pain relief.
I'm going on all alone. I've got two lots of classes, one by the local clinic which only women are alowed to go to anyway and another by the hospital which is for couples but run in the daytime. When I was booking I explained that OH worked so probably couldn't get the time off and she said that a lot of women come alone so I don't think its a big issue.

Hope you enjoy tonight :D

Alex xxx
Thanks girls.

if DH can't get out early to come with me I'll go on my own. It sounds like other people do it and if I'm the only one let's hope it's useful!! I'm not too shy to talk to other people I just didn't want to look left out. :(
I definately want to see what they have to say...especially cos it's about labour!!! :shock:
could you tke your mum/sister or friend?

hope you enjoy, mines is tomorrow :cheer:

At my antenatal classes there were several women on their own, one with her mum, and another with her friend.
I'm sure you won't be the only one minus a partner :hug: :hug:
My classes had women on their own. Some because OH could not be there, some were single, some OH's didn't want to be there/were not wanted.

TBH its fine to go on your own. I only took my hubby along to one class from the 5 that were run. And when I went to other classes partners didn't attend most of those anyways.
Thanks for your advice girls :D -well..i did it on my own and tbh i was the only one without someone with me, most people had a Oh with them, one girl took her mum and one girl took her friend. It was fine tho and they swapped the class around and did the brestfeeding one instead so it was probably the best one for my DH to miss.
I'm glad I went cos it was interesting and Dh is defo coming to the next one. :D
Just saw this hun sorry

Glad your class went well :D just had my breast feed class tonight
so what did you learn??? we should compare notes

its was cool learnt a lot about breast feeding correctly :D

The first one i went with James at the bigging he took notes then i glanced over and he was doodling small but very detailed soldiers on the paper.
great pics 8) :rotfl: he a excellent artist but id did give me an indication as to just how much he was listening :roll: :lol:
he did take in all the important stuff ie how to help me throught the birth
to be fair to him though she was boring :roll: :rotfl:

but last weeks and this one ive just come back from i did on my own as james is at work.
a diffrent women took the last 2 shes so much better 8)

and it was fine ive enjoyed the last 2 sessions and gained a lot of good advice from them. :D
last week i was the only one with out my partner but it was ok
this week 2 other girls partners didnt come
but we were talking about breast feeding :rotfl:
I was single with my last pregnancy and went to every parentcraft alone.

It was fun and did not feel too bad. Midiwfe was my partner when she did back massage classes.

I think there is less judgement these days, as there can be many reasons people attend alone.

Well done for going alone :hug:

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