Feeling Very Low..


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Ah not feeling so good today :( Just in a baaaad mood lol. I've avoided the forum today, been for a really long walk, started crying in the middle of the street! lol :oops: I was so embarassed! You know where you just can't stop yourself?! Wierd! :lol:

Mum's annoying me as well. She keeps telling EVERYONE that I'm "getting induced by pessary Friday morning, that one probably won't work, so she'll have another one, that one might not work either. All I can say is we'll probably be holding Evie by Sunday"

Why can't she just leave it at "Dannii's being induced Friday" and leave it there?!

Because she keeps saying it, all I keep thinking is "oh what's the fucking point in Friday? Just bring me in Sunday, throw me on the drip and have done with it" I can't go that long with nothing happening :( I feel sooooo angry about everything. I know I sound like a spoiled brat but I'm so angry with my body for just not doing what it's fucking supposed to. It hasn't even reacted at all to the sweep, not even a little bit...

:cry: :cry: I've been so upbeat and ok with everything until now... I just feel like my head is completely disconnected from my body. I'm so angry with my body it's unbelievable.

Oh and another thing... I can't even sit on the sofa anymore :wall:

Most pregnant women can slouch and all that, not me though :roll: I have to sit on a dining room chair in front of the TV in case I slouch and she moves back to back again :(

I can't even be comfy while feeling like crap... x
Sorry your feeling so down, have some hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
You have every right to be getting frustrated, you've waited long enough and you've been sooooooooo patient, I wouldn't be! I noticed you haven't been on today, was wondering where you'd got to! I don't have anything to say that will make you feel better but all I can say is you moan and whinge all you like, your allowed to and we are all here to listen. I can't get comfy either so join the club!! Hope you feel better soon :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Awww Dannii hun :hug:

I can't begin to imagine the amount of pressure you must feel under. Everyone gets so excited for babies....particularly your mum in your case cos she's so proud of you....I'm sure her comment wasn't meant to upset you, but my mum says things like that at times too and doesn't realise the pressure she's putting on me....am I making any sense?! I'm not sure :lol:

Don't worry about having an off day, you're allowed :hug: I hope you feel better soon poppet,

C xxx
Damn your still here then... :( Im sorry your feeling so low hunny!!

And you never know she might make an apperance tonight... :pray: Stranger things have happend.

:hug: xxxxxxxx
oh hunni :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I remember getting to my due date and feeling incredibly shit. Everyone had gone on for months how Id drop early and when didnt I felt so disappointed. I cant even begin to imagine what you are feeling right now. The end of this long and tiresome journey is in sight for you though darlin, it really is. Come sunday none of this will even matter. I know that doesnt really help you right now.

You have a right to be angry with your Mum. That would pee me off something chronic having all and sundry know EVERY detail of whats in store for you, especially when she should understand how low you feel.

Try a DIY sweep :) see if you can get her out and some crazy dancing to music - shake her out :lol:

Id give you a hug if I was there but here is a virtual one :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh Dannii :hug:

Throughout life you always imagine having a baby will include that dramatic water break and the 'grab the suitcase' moment. Then in pregnancy we go to classes where we're talked through dilations/contractions/walking through it at home.

Knowing you're going to walk into hospital as a 'unlabouring' woman sucks, and I totally empathise with the feeling that your body's letting you down (as a woman who had THREE pessaries over as many days).

BUT, look at it another way. You've totally rocked being pregnant SO much that your body wants to stay that way. And you've built SUCH a lovely, comfy environment for your LO that they're in no rush to leave home!

Keep the faith, of course no-one is pregnant forever, and that little bundle will be in your arms next week whatever happens xxxxxx
OH hon i think its completly understandable to be like that, tbh can you're mum not hold off telling anyone until you have had Evie as I personally feel it just puts pressure on you if that makes sense and you deffo don't need that right now...

You need lots of these honey :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug:

I've been feeling decidedly irritable and crap for the last week but surprisingly today I feel much better.

I'd ignore your Mum (although I know she means well) - it has been ages since she was pregnant and she probably doesn't remember what it feels like when all you want is your baby to arrive :hug:

You'll do fine and hopefully things will start happening before Friday hun :hug:
The morning I went into labour I burst into tears just because I accidently kicked the pavement when walking home and also was arguing with OH all day before I knew so maybe the fact you're getting emotional is a good sign your bodies about to do something.....? Fingers crossed for you. :hug: xx
Oh chick :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I really hope she makes an appearance before Friday!! you never know?! :)

Eat some pineapple, while on your ball, while willing lil Evie to come out!

Me & Riley are sending you LOADS of ****LABOUR DUST****
Aww hun, just wanted to give you these :hug: :hug: :hug: and wish you all the best. Hope you hold your girl in your arms soon :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:

I was really moody too before I went into labour, sstopped going out too
Aww Dannii, although I have never been in your situation, I can try to understand and be sympathetic. It must be so frustrating for you. so I am sending you lots and lots of these - :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

All you need to keep in mind hun is that you will be holding your little girl very soon and then it will all be forgotten xxx

:hug: :hug:
awwww hun,.. didnt want to read and run.....
have some :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

you'll be holding Evie soon :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I wish I could do something to help hun! :(
Thank you SO much ladies. Don't know why I avoided the forum, you're all so lovely and always make me feel better :hug:

Laura: I think that's the thing that upset me today, felt a bit sorry for myself. I've been so good and so patient, it's just the fact that my body isn't doing what it's supposed to do which is upsetting and frustrating!

Clairey: You're right, she's just excited and wants everyone to know her grandaughter will be here soon. It would just be nice if she was a bit more positive! Her negativity rubs off on me a lot. I shouldn't let it though :)

HertsMummy: Hmmm!! I wish I had your positive thinking lol! I know it "can" happen, it's the knowing it "won't" lol :rotfl: I have to laugh otherwise I'll cry! lol

Tillytots: Boy, I feel awful complaining about this when you're going through what you're going through :( :oops: But yeah, you're right, come Sunday, I'll read this back, glance over at (hopefully) a sleeping Evie and none of this will matter! :hug:

Minxy: That's it! You hear all these stories where women have nipped to the loo and their waters just pop! They don't prepare enough for induction I don't think :think:

Sharne: I've just spoken to her, we didn't argue, I just said nicely that I need a bit of positivity around me to keep me going! I know she doesn't mean it, she's trying to be realistic, so we've hugged and she knows how I feel now :hug:

Mildly: I was like that the week before DD too!! Suddenly I felt absolutely brill on my due date!! Even up until today I've felt really calm and OK. I REALLY hope you're not left waiting long though, it'd be so lovely if you have Oscar while you're on a high and feeling good :D

Laura: That's what MissSara said too!! :lol: She was in a foul mood the day before labour so maybe it's a good thing that I've been a miserable shit today! :lol:

Claire: I'm on my ball now :D Seeing as I'm too scared to slouch, this is the only place I've sat all day :lol:

Thanks again ladies... I still have no signs, and always hoped I'd experience the plug loss etc but it's not going to happen now and I feel a bit cheated?! I shouldn't say this, there are women out there who would LOVE to be in my position right now. Sometimes you need to moan a little to get things in perspective! :oops: xxx
You do have every right to feel sorry for yourself once in while hun! :hug: :hug: You have been very good and patient!
I have never had my waters break on their own and only by chance saw the plug with Joseph! Thinks never go as you think they will but your so close now! But stamp your feet and get mad hun! I would haha
Hi Dannii,

Take it from a mum who has been there and got the t-shirt my son arrived at 41+6 and its a real pain in the arse... I had everyone else around me giving birth and you do feel cheated so please don't feel bad about your feelings.. :hug: :hug:

It will not be long now and once Evie is here it's so worth the while... and there will be alot more tears as well.

Just get some :sleep: over the next couple of days as you will need all your energy.

Take care and if I do not pop on before Friday all the very best to you and the birth of Evie
Kathy x :hug:
hi dannii,

hope youre feeling better now. my mum is a bit similar to yours by the sound of it... im sure she didnt realise what she was saying was upsetting you. It prob just gave her more to talk about!! :wink: My mum is EXACTLY the same & tells people everything... but if I ask her something about labour or birth i get one eord answers :lol: Maybe she was just looking to the furthest away answer so that if Evies shows early it will still be a suprise to her?

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