Feeling so utterly miserable.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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Just want a bit of a release, and a moan- I am feeling so utterly miserable.

I have been in pain since Monday morning, and nothing is happening. They appear to be contractions (painful tightenings, start in my lower back, and come around to the front in a wave of pain, then slowly subside), got increasingly wosre monday throughout the day, then stopped in the night. Tues morn didnt have much, then got worse and worse throughout the day, until they woke me up at 2.30am (i've had 3 hrs sleep); timed them at 3.00am and they were coming every 9-10mins, and were painful. Eventually fell back alseep about 6.30am, without waking every 10mins from the pain, and when hubby came to find me on the sofa at 7.45am they had subsided to every 20mins or so.

I rang NHS direct to see if they could tell me if theres a difference between false and latent labour, but all they told me was ring the midwife and get hubby home from work. I havent bothered as now the contractions appear to have stopped. Rang the midwife who said I'm welcome to go up the Hops and they'll monitor me, but they cant examine me until i start having regular contractions- not allowed apparently. I feel so annoyed as when i rang monday with regular contractions, they said it was just latent labour and could last a few days. Now i dont know whats going on, cos they cant examine me :?

Am so exhausted, and feel like I cannot cope anymore. I can cope with pain, and with tiredness, but not at the same time. This has been going on for 48+hrs and I'm no further clued up as to what it is, or whats happening. Plus I cant go to the hosp as I've no transport and no one to take me up; not that i feel like there's any point now the pain has subsided- is it going to resume?

Had so many baths over the last 3 days I feel practically amphibian. And have a pharmasists supply of paracetamol.

Well thats my whinge, am going to go have a cry and another bath and see if i feel any better- doubt it. :( :(
Aww hun, I'm so sorry you are feeling like this, just try and focus on the fact that something must be happening :hug:

I know what you mean about the baths, I have never been out of ours over the last couple of weeks. You can send some of your pains my way if you want :lol:

Hope things get moving properly soon for you :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I hope this doesn't drag on for you, it sounds awful. I don't know what to suggest :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
lack of sleep and pain are such a bad combo

sounds awful hun, here is a big hug...

i hope things start to move for you and you meet your little one very soon

take care
Feeling much better this afternoon- cleaned the house, had some grub and a shower, and the pain has gone; no more contractions. No doubt they re-commence tonight judt as I'm about to try and go to sleep, but hoping that next time they start up tis the real deal! :eek:
aw hun, have some of these :hug: :hug: :hug:
Why can't they examine you - did they say?? :hug: :hug:
Glad you're feeling a bit better. Maybe you should try and have a nap this afternoon, just in case they do come back and keep you awake tonight :hug: :hug:
AnnaR2B said:
aw hun, have some of these :hug: :hug: :hug:
Why can't they examine you - did they say?? :hug: :hug:

The midwife said they are not allowed unless you are regularly contracting. she said "we dont just stick our fingers in anymore" which made me laff! :shock: :oops:
Thats silly - you sound like you are in labour????
My consultant ' stuck his fingers right in' today! :rotfl: Maybe they're a bit more rough round the edges out here in bumpkin land :rotfl:
:hug: :hug:
AnnaR2B said:
Thats silly - you sound like you are in labour????
My consultant ' stuck his fingers right in' today! :rotfl: Maybe they're a bit more rough round the edges out here in bumpkin land :rotfl:
:hug: :hug:

I find consultants awful rough, especially if they are male. When I was suffering with endometriosis, I had loads of internals, and this one consultant (who happens to be the consultant i saw last week), is polish, about 6"5' with hand like a goalkeeper (with the gloves!), he was not gentle at all last time I saw him!
Mine was a little man with little hands and i have to say he was ace, really informative...but i'm still bleeding which i'm a bit worried about? :think:
That sounds rubbish - poor you :hug:

I guess the worst thing must be constantly thinking that labour is starting and then nothing happening - what a let down!!!

By the way, whereabouts in S Wales are you? My dad lives downt here in Hippyland so you might be near him.

Best of luck to you Shadow and I hope something starts happening 4Real soon (had to get that in cos there was all that hoo-ha last year about the New Zealand couple who weren't allowed to call their son 4Real so they settled on Superman instead...)

Hope you get popping soon :hug:
debecca said:
That sounds rubbish - poor you :hug:

I guess the worst thing must be constantly thinking that labour is starting and then nothing happening - what a let down!!!

By the way, whereabouts in S Wales are you? My dad lives downt here in Hippyland so you might be near him.

Best of luck to you Shadow and I hope something starts happening 4Real soon (had to get that in cos there was all that hoo-ha last year about the New Zealand couple who weren't allowed to call their son 4Real so they settled on Superman instead...)

Hope you get popping soon :hug:

it does feel rubbish it tell you. Im in Merthyr Tydfil? know it?

I think I may get my skipping rope out, and start skipping, maybe it'll start sometihng of properly for me! :lol: :lol:

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