Feeling so sad


Nov 8, 2006
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hi there, have been lurking on these boards since my first m/c last November. I never thought I'd be back here so soon, but thought I'd write down how I'm feeling at the moment.

I had my second m/c ten days ago and am booked in for a d&c tomorrow morning. This second m/c happened at exactly the same time as the first one (7.5 weeks, fetal pole didn't grow past 6 weeks) so I am convinced it is something wrong with me to have caused this twice. I can't sleep or eat for all the constant worry. My GP is not very sympathetic and has told me its "natures way". Do you think it is just bad luck?

Also, I have only just recently moved to the area so have no friends nearby and worse still, I work in the hospital where I am going tomorrow. I am so scared and upset. I am so desperate for a baby that nothing else seems important
Sorry for the long post but just wanted to get this all off my chest, this forum has been so helpful to me over the past few months. Thanks
Sorry for your loss hun :hug:

Doctors can be a little insensative some times. You'll always have some one to talk to on here :hug: PM me any time hun.
so sorry for your loss :hug:

all the best for the future - thinking of you :hug:
Really sorry for your losses.

Try not to worry at this stage hun, have you considered moving doctors as it sounds like your is not very sympathetic and thats the last thing you need right now.

Thinking of you, PM me if you wanna chat. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xx
thanks for all your messages
trying to stay positive but am just curled up on sofa feeling sorry for myself. I've enquired about changing doctors but there are no other practices in my area taking on new patients at the moment :(
Just want tomorrow over with now, fingers crossed all will go well
:hug: to you all xx
oh hun im so sorry there are no words i can say that will make you feel any better and it doesnt help being away from any where familiar.

im sorry your doc is so unsympathetic. I know some women who have gone through several m/cs and have gone on to have babies so please dont feel at fault. this is something i believe that most women have to have a trial pregnancy or 2 like myself, i dont know whether you believe it as well but it gives me hope.

hope your ok and here if you need to chat :hug: :hug:

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