feeling really low today!


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
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Hi...Im hoping that you dont mind, but im writing to have a bit of an 'offload'!!!
its been creeping up on me since the begining of this week, and today its hit me. Im feeling really really low. My OH is working silly hours (he works for an agency, so has to grab hours where he can) for the last 2 weeks he has been leaving the house at 5.30am and getting home just before 11pm. I never see him :( he comes home and i have his bath ready, then were snug up in bed (Luckily cuddles often on the menu!!) and next thing i know its 5am. when i get up i feel so lonely cos im spending the whole day waiting for 11pm to see him again. My Family and friends all live over an hour away (3hrs by train :shock: ) and i have had to sell my car. I really cant fancy sitting on a train 4 days before EDD for 3 hours, and anyway they are all working during day.
Im sorry to moan on, but im feeling a little sorry for myself today!
I know im very lucky to have a fab man that will work for his family.
Cant wait to have my gorgeous baby girl here, thats what is keeping me smiling!
Sorry Again xxxxxxxxx
Don't be sorry, thats what we are here for hun!!

I too am feeling pretty low due to being poorly. I can handle pregnancy discomforts but with flu shoved on top its a bit much.

I too have a hubby who works very hard and sometimes very long hours - he too is a wonderful man and I know I am very lucky but it doesn't stop you from wishing they were around more often.

Feet up, get the chocolate out, nice cuppa and big hugs from me!!
Thanks Kerry!
Im sorry to hear your not well, hope it wont last too long.
Hurrrahhhh for good men hey! xxx
seen as there are already quite a few posts on people feeling low at the mo i thought i would post here..

kerry- thinking of you and hope you get better very soon. have yourself lots of hot drinks and pamper yourself

hels- sorry to hear you feel so lonely :(
i think it may also be the fact you just want your baby in your arms makes you feel a bit 'empty' (which is not the right word to use at the moment i know lol)

well on my side of things it's the opposite. i'm feeling low as well but the presence of men is just making things worse (it has brought my BP up so i have to go back in for a check up grrrr)
Hiya Hels you get lots of sysmpathy from me!!

I am off work (3rd day now) with flu and feel like i have been beaten up with a spade. The cat tried to sit on my lap earlier (bless him) and my muscles were so sore i couldnt have it at all! Poor thing got booted off.

Get well soon Kerry.

My OH is working from 6am tull 8pm every day and doing emergency call outs in the night too. I never see him and am so fed up. He is a wonderful man, better than any other i know and every hour he is working is for me, him and the baby. It just seems hard to appreciate that right now.

Doesnt it even hurt when the baby kicks, i am so sore all over! :(
Hi Hels,

Sorry you're feeling so down. I've been there myself and know how you feel. Before I was pregnant and was flying, quite often I would hardly ever see Dave, he does shift pattern but it would quite often work out all wrong, i would be working when he was off and vise-versa and if I had trips where we had to stay downroute I would sit in my hotel room on my own feeling miserable!!

Luckily thats behind me now and I love being at home. Do you have any pets? We have a little doggy and she keeps me company (she's a right nutter!) also luckily my Mum lives 5 mins drive away, don't see enough of her considering she only lives up the road!
Also luckily for me my friend had her baby on the 24th Jan. (haven't seen her yet though) and lives 5 min walk away and another friend lives about 1min walk up the road & she's just been made redundant :( (nice for me not for her, going to have lunch with her in a mo.)

This is probably not helping is it? Sorry hun. Anyway its not long before you have you little one in your arms and you'll probably wish you had a bit of time to yourself!!

How long will your OH be working these silly hours? Its not permanent is it?

We're all here for you if you need to chat. Go watch a DVD under the duvet and have some naughty but yummy food and hope you feel brighter soon.

Take Care & speak soon.

Ah Hels, sorry to hear you're feeling like this, I can sympathise with you. I live 450 miles from my family and friends and the friends I have up here (in Scotland) are either wives/girlfriends of DH's pals or my work colleagues - all of which are at work during the day. I am lucky that DH gets home around 7pm usually so I do have an evening with him.

Do you ever go in the chat room? Post a message or PM if you ever fancy a chat in the evening.

Wont be long now til you're holding your little girl.

39+ 1
Thank you so much, your replies have meade me feel more cheery!
Lucy if i go in chat room ill PM you, every time i go in im the only one there!
Nicki, no OH wont be working all these silly hours for long, infact he hasnt got any work for next week yet :shock: oh god then ill be moaning how worried i am with no money coming in LOL bless him, cant win! and ive also taken your advice ive just spent £12 on junk food and magazines!! I always eat when im sad, bye bye wedding dress LOL. Your lucky having your F+F so close to you, if mum was closer she'd be round every day fussing, so may be a good thing for me LOL! My gorgeous litle dog is sat gazing at me so lovingly, how can i be lonely??? im gonna tuck up with her watching ready steady cook or something naff!!
Poor you Kelly, another with this flu thing, hope your feeling better soon, really feel for you.
Thanks you lot xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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