Feeling really down in the dumps today!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2011
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Hi girls. I'm sorry for the miserable post but need to rant. Feeling utterly frustrated and fed up today! Have only just started TTC so feel I have no right to moan really. However, right up to June my cycles were pretty regular. As soon as OH gives the go ahead to TTC my cycle has completely gone potty. Haven't had a period since June. Been diagnosed as having pcos and was feeling ok about it but today I just feel miserable and frustrated. Have no idea where I am or where to start with TTC. How am i supposed to get pregnant when I don't know where my cycle is!

On top of that I really hate my job at the minute. It's so stressful and I feel like i cant do my job! OH wants me to go part time but feel I should wait as I don't want to miss out on full maternity pay. But surely being stressed won't help things. I don't know what to do!

Sorry about that but feel better for the rant!!!
Oh hunny sending huge hugs to you!!

I imagine pcos can be treated and you will have help ttc.

It's a slow process but you'll get there.

It's so frustrating as we get told over and over to take precautions if we don't want to end up pregnant but yet when the time comes it's virtually impossible!!

Really hope you get that BFP soon xx
Hey Spammy,

I have PCOS too, its not impossible to get pregnant with it, i'm approaching my due date with my first. Having erratic cycles also doesn't mean you won't get pregnant. I had two at 6 weeks apart, and then on my 3rd, i went beyond the 6 weeks and i was devasted until i found out i was pregnant and was over 6 weeks along!

Things i've tried in the past to help regulate my cycles are:

losing weight - granted its hard and i didn't lose much but things did seem to improve a bit
switching to a low gi diet - i lost the most weight with this and was on it when i fell pregnant
starflower oil capsules - i'm not one of these people who takes loads of complimentary meds, i don't generally believe they work, but i thought why the hell not with this one, and i was really surprised. If you are ttc though, make sure you follow guidelines as you shouldn't take it when pregnant, i think you take it for part of the month. Evening Primrose Oil has similar properties, although the active component isn't as strong.

Good luck with your ttc journey
Thanks girls. Nik I have been trying to lose weight for a while. Lost 3 stone and am now only slightly overweight. I have just re-joined weight watchers to try and get the last bit off. Do you think I should look in to the low GI plan instead or will any weight loss do the trick? I am also taking starflower and agnus castus to see if they help. I need to stay positive and I am most days. It's just today I'm struggling. Need a break I think. It's our 5th wedding anniversary on Friday and we are going away for the weekend. That will definitely cheer me up!
Losing weight anyway should help, i find with a low GI, its easier though, as it regulates my blood sugar and insulin levels, which i have a massive problem with. Have fun on your weekend away, i'm sure it'll help you feel loads better
urghhhh i feel for you!! i'm kind of in the same boat as you , my cycles were regular as clockwork i was TTC and the they went awol ended up diagnosed with PCOS and since then been struggling to be honest Nic106 gave good advice i take starflower i get it from Morrisons and i take B6 and pregnacare i've been referred to a fertility clinic and i'm awaiting OH semen analysis and then i'm starting on a cycle of clomid , its been a long time TTC its been a year and a half . Monitor your cycles keep a diary and OPK and BBT to try and help you ,

Chin up you'll get there x x
Wow you have done so well coping with all that. It's so frustrating when everything is so out of your own control! I have never been so desperate for a period to start!! Lol
I know i when my periods went awol for 6 months i had never been so desperate to have one! not to mention the fortune in PG tests every month x
Hi ladies! Yep Spammy good advice in the threads, I have pcos & Endo & cycles were 102 days (nightmare!) so took the above and was on the Endo diet and got my BFP in July :)

Blood tests will show if anything is preventing you conceiving if you have had scans and stuff and that shows up ok. You'll get there :)

I did acupuncture too which really helped. Hugs & good luck xxx
Thanks for the advice girls. Feeling a bit brighter today. Just wish AF would show. On day 64 of my cycle now! Ridiculous!

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