Feeling Poorly!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Ive woken up this morning with the worst cold im so congested, my throat is sore and i have an annoying chesty cough!! To make it worse my OH is working at our other house all day today and tomorrow so we can get it fiished in time for babys arrival.

So im feeling sorry for myself, im relying on my 4 year old son for lots of cuddles and sympathy.

Drinking lots of OJ but not sure what else i can take, i hope im better by Thursday im supposed to be flying out to Gran Canaria early Friday mornng, but have to see the doc the day before to get the al clear because my blood pressure has been up and had pre-eclpampsia with my first son!!

Argggghhhhhh!! i want to feel better ...... thanks for listening to me ranting on!! x x x x x
Aww :hug: I would definitely keep drinking the OJ so you don't dehydrate. I know that you aren't supposed to give honey to a child under one but pregnant women are ok to have it so maybe make yourself a honey and lemon drink to soothe your throat :hug:

Fingers crossed you are ok for your holiday, I'm sure lots of rest will help your BP too :hug: Get well soon!
Aww hun sending you lots of hugs :hug: keep in the warm and drink lots to avoid de-hydration. I know my SIL has had a couple of paacetamols during her PG so maybe have one if you get a temperature otherwise lots of cuddles off your DS may be the best medicine :hug:

OH no you poor love, hot water bottle, a good book and loadsa honey and lemon in bed for you popett!!

:hug: Get well soon
I feel horrible as well, plus I go away on Tuesday. Gutted really because i'd just started to regain some energy and now this. I feel very similar to the way you describe. Someone yesterday told me Scarlet Fever was going around my little girls nursery :shock: thought this illness went out in the 1800's. Gonna google it and see what the symptoms are. Hope you feel better soon. xx
:hug: :hug: Oh dear, hope you're feeling better soon.

My DH is just starting with a cold and I'm just :pray: :pray: that I don't end up with it!

:hug: :hug:
Me too! Feeling very sorry for myself and I fly out on Monday! Just typical that we get ill now- I'm trying to get excited and get packed but its not happening.
Try hot milk with honey and butter- its works for sore throats. Hope you get better soon :hug:

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