Feeling meh


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2011
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I feel like all i ever do is moan on here. I'm glad of the outlet to rant but dear god, you ladies must think i'm a right miserable bint. I feel like i've coped really well with motherhood so far. Everyone kept saying that my hormones would be going crazy and it was ok to cry etc etc etc, but it never came at the beginning. Now though i'm starting to feel a bit lonely and fed up.

Don't get me wrong, i love Jack to bits and wouldn't change him for the world. But i don't feel like i'm getting much support from OH and i feel really lonely. I've spoke before about how we row and can't seem to agree on anything and it's not really improving. I feel like OH is carrying on with his life as normal (going to work, playing golf, having a full nights sleep) whereas i've adapted my life massively around Jack. But the worst thing is the way OH tries to take over and push his views on me...but only when it suits him. I don't like the way he talks to Jack either. He hasn't got much patience when he cries and it makes me nervous to leave him alone with him. I don't for one second think he'd hurt him or anything but i just know he doesn't have as much patience as me and it puts me on edge. That kind of limits my options to have a break and go anywhere on my own, and when i do i just spend the whole time worrying.

My friends don't get that my lifes changed massively and still seem to expect me to carry on like i used to before. My mum is the one person who has supported me completely but her and OH don't get on very well and i always feel on edge like she's going to critisise OH's views or they'll have a row etc.

Last weekend we went away for the weekend and OH and i just ended up falling out. I was so looking forward to getting away and in the end i just wanted to come home. Everything seems like so much effort and sometimes i genuinely feel like i'd be better off as a single mum. Sorry for the rant, no replies needed. Just needed a moan :( x
Big hugs. Hope you're ok. Have you tried speaking to your OH about how you feel? I know that can be hard but it may help? Mum's are a god send definitely. Xxx

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Oh hun I have posted the same things as you umpteen times on here. I frankly told my oh the other day that I felt like a single parent so may as well be one!! I spoke to him very openly about my feelings etc and things are definitely looking up. If you don't feel able to talk to him maybe write it in a letter. xxx

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