Feeling low


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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Sorry to have a moan but I feel the need. I'm sure I'm just having a bad day but feel really low at the moment and am really worried about it. I suffered from depression for about 17 years and came off my "happy pills" in October and have felt much better for it.................until now.

I'm on the verge of tears all the time today which is pretty embarassing when you're sat in an office.................

To top that I have a banging headache................

I was speaking to my Mum on the phone and she said I should just go home but my assistant is on holiday for two weeks and my Manager is bloody useless and never covers my work if I'm not here so what's the point? I would just come back to twice as much work.............

Sorry, needed to get it off my chest if only to stop me crying at my desk.......again.
Hope you feel better soon! I have some horrible days when I have to hide the tears (mainly to save my embarissment!) Luckily It's only really happened when my boss has been away (touch wood) or with OH when I can pretend I have something in my eye lol!
I just think for every down day you'll have 3+ good days, esp when LO starts moving away, that always makes me smile!
Cheer Up Chickpea! Everything will be ok!
Thanks Pinky and for the hugs Mrs. It doesn't help that I hate my job. I just have to focus on the fact that there is light at the end of the tunnel and there will be two little babies in that light!!!!! You're right tho Pinky, can't wait to start feeling them move.........
I know the feeling I HATE my job and was thinking about leaving, but I got pregnant and realised it worked out better financially if I stayed. Just think you van take a year off at least soon!
Yeah got to see the positive side!

I had been really swollen over the weekend with my hands and face swelling as well as my feet and ankles so called the midwives unit at 2.30 on Saturday and left a message. They are supposed to call back within 24 hours. Well I've just had a call now (48 hours later!) and even though everything has gone down now they want to see me because of the headache I have. I now have to get a bus early so that I can be home by 4.30pm. But on the positive side I get to go home early.............
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You are just having a bad day Hun and don't worry you'll be back on form when u feel better and midwife has looked after you. You've created 2 wonderful little babies and they need you to be happy for them and just focus on all the fun stuff u can do with them when they are born. Like pinky says when they start moving u will smile everyday from that feeling, just Hang on it there honey. :hugs: Xxxx
Thanks ForestLas (OMG how close do we live?????? I'm in Hounsdown) feel a bit better today. The headache's still there but not as bad and I've had a word with my boss so that put my mind at rest a bit. Also, the midwife that came and saw me yesterday was really nice which helped. My blood pressure is slightely high but nothing to worry about (they will just keep an eye on it if the headache isn't gone by tomorrow) so I can start to chill the hell out now!!!!!!!! Not as teary today either, which of course just made everything seem worse yesterday - huff!
You two are not far from me either. :eek:) I hpoe you feel better soon Kerrykins. Ive had depression in the past and its not nice. Sending you hugs!x
Thanks Lulabell, I'm just keeping an eye on myself at the moment - really don't want to go down that road. Bad enough usually but definitely don't want to have that to worry about........

Wow, I can't believe how many people live so close together (in the great scheme of things anyway - awsome!).
Glad u r feeling better Kerrykins and just keep as relaxed as poss and hopefully the BP an headaches will go away :) xx
I think I live bang in the middle of you both Kerrykins and Lullabell...little old Fordingbridge! :)
hope ur feeling better soon, and hopefully just a bad day and ul be back to your usual self soon x
Thanks again everyone. I'm feeling much better today. Headaches gone and feeling quite positive. More relaxed at work (let them worry about it not me eh) which I think will help immensly and of course my friends on here - what would I do without you all xxx
glad your feeling happier now. This pregnancy lark is such a rollercoaster
Too true Pickledonions (which I really fancy some of now - tee hee)

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