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Feeling like you can't cope...*update*


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
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does anyone else feel depressed or like they can't cope anymore :? or am I the only one? For the past week or so I literally feel so depressed I don't know what to do. I have never been depressed or have a depressive personality but I trully feel totally totally despondant and low. I hate to even talk about it as it feels so stupid to feel like this and I am not the melodramatic or overly emotional type. I just feel like I can't cope with another day, I want to cry and curl up and have just started obsessing about everything. I get up in the morning coz I have to and I carry on with my daily plans but I feel totally removed from everyone and everything. My hubby has been really wonderful and has been cooking and doing the cleaning and generally being supportive and I love him for that but I still feel I can't cope. I am scared I'm harming baby as I can't eat and just feel sick when I do and am losing weight and the baby is on the small side as it is.

It's totally irrational as I want a baby but I have just lost interest in everything and even the sight of the nursery stresses me out. I can't understand why I feel like this and am terrified I'm going to end up with post-natal depression.

I'm seeing my obstetrician on Wed and I actually feel like I could get down on my knees and beg for an induction :cry: I just want out...

sorry for such a long moan...just felt like I needed to vent as I am not good at doing it in real life or "talking" about my emotions :?
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I don't think you're mad. I think we all get to feel like this at some point through the pregnancy, there is a lot going on, the expectation of a massive life-changing event plus lots of physical and emotional changes.
You need to talk to someone you can trust so that they can reassure you and let you know you are going to be ok.
I hope you feel better soon. :hug: :hug: :hug:
I agree with HB. It is only natural to have all these mixed emotions and you shouldn't beat yourself up about it. It would be good if you could find someone to talk to and may just make things not seem so bad once your feelings are vocalised. Really hope you are feeling better soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
I am usually the happiest and upbeat of people...but hormones are strange things. Try to remember it doesn't last forever and will pass. Bach flower remedies help me a lot when i feel down. Also not feeling guilty for how your feeling and allowing it also really puts things in perspective.

I posted on here over the last few days feeling like an emotional wreck...and i too do not do crying, or emotional out pours.....but it seems safe on here as no one really knows me. I hope you feel better soon. and keep ranting to us all it'll help
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I would mention it to your MW when you go, it sounds like you may be suffering from depression and need to nip it in the bud before baby is born. Have chat to her, she may say its normal or know something to help. I am sure she is used to people asking things that may seem silly to them. Plus we are all here to rant to, plus we're all in the same boat so can sympathise lots!

Hope it passes soon, late pregnancy is a knackering, emotional time for all of us. :hug:
Speak to the consultant, lots of people don't realise you can get ante natal depression although theree is lots of help available. I had PND and am terrrifieid I'll get it again so am being montiored and will get medication which is supposed to keep the chemical balances in your brain (cause of PND) more even following the birth.

Hang in there sweetie, not long now and don't be scared to ask for help.
when im anxious about something i go totally removed from the rest of the world too, its like being in your own bubble of inner panic

i'd say its natural to go through times of extreme anxiety about the future, maybe if you can say to your husband that your worried and dont really know why, let yourself have a good cry with him and i bet all those worries will spill out and you will feel better, it sounds like its because you're bottling things up. :hug:
Thanks for all your lovely words and support girlies...it does help to vent my feelings. I had a long chat with my mum today and she was really supportive too. I still feel pants but I'm going to try and just get through each day as it comes and if I sink again then I'll have a good old moan on here again.

Ok so I just saw my obstetrician today and my hubby was with me, Dr. asked how I was doing and my hubby answered that I was totally not myself. Dr. then asked me and I burst into tears (so embaressed as I NEVER cry or have emotional outbursts!). Well he asked how long I had felt like this and we talked through it for a while and he was so so lovely. He said that it was totally normal to feel low but not as depressed as I seem (he commented how cheery I normally am) and that this ante-natal depression could very possibly develop into post-natal depression in his opinion. He has referred me to a counselor and is suggesting I may need medication for a few months after bubs is born. He has said that he feels it'll be detrimental for my health (physically becuase I'm losing weight and obviously mentally too) to let me go over my due date so he has suggested that if by my appointment next week the baby is more engaged then he wants to set a date for an induction. I still feel low but I feel so so relieved that I have voiced how I was feeling and how amazingly my Dr. has handled the situation and made me feel like I'm not a nut. A much as I didn't want an induction I just feel so much better knowing that potentially by next week there may be an end in sight.

Thanks so much for all your kind words and if anyone else is feeling as severly depressed then I really do encourage you to voice it as it seems that there is medical help for these situations.
I am really glad your doc was sympathetic and has sorted out some measures to help you. You did the right thing telling him.
I am sending lots of hugs and posiitive vibes to help you too. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I am so glad you spoke out, well done!! and well done to your doctor for being so good too. :cheer:

Sadly i didnt tell people how i felt after having Isla and know too well how it eats you up after a while so well done you.... :hug:
kellysomer said:
I am so glad you spoke out, well done!! and well done to your doctor for being so good too. :cheer:

Sadly i didnt tell people how i felt after having Isla and know too well how it eats you up after a while so well done you.... :hug:

Thanks so much :hug: My hubby is the amazing one, he made me speak up and once I had mentioned it to the Dr. the flood gates just opened :cry: I know it's a long road ahead and it's going to be hard at times but I feel like at least people around me are aware of it now and will be there to help. I am very lucky my Dr. took it seriously, he's so lovely :) I feel like a bit of a nut talking about it but if it helps other people to recognise they have a problem and speak out then it's worth it. Thanks for the kind words :hug:

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