Feeling lazy and guilty!

english rose

Well-Known Member
May 28, 2011
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Hi ladies

Just wondering how your energy levels are, and whether you're coping at work and with the housework okay?

I'm sitting here feeling guilty as I know I have some work to do, and I haven't done any housework for a couple of weeks!

My husband is really good and just gets on with things, but I'm starting to feel bad that I'm not helping out, and I don't want him to feel like I'm taking the mickey......especially as I'm going to be able to do less as I get bigger!

It's just I feel tired and sicky all of the time, and all I want to do is curl up and watch a film or something.

Anyone else feeling like this? Any tips for picking yourself up and keeping yourself going? Does this ease as you reach the end of Tri 1, or get worse?

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Hi hun,

:hug: I'm still feeling pretty tired in the day, but it's worse when you're feeling sick. I can't say I've been keeping on top of house work much! Just take each day as it comes and hopefully in tri 2 we'll all be a bit more energetic!

I had to take some leave at work as I kept waking up with my head on my desk in the afternoons!!!

It's getting better - just!!
I feel exhausted all the time too and constantly sick which doesn't help! No tips really but do sympathise. I cleaned the bathroom and then had to have a lie down which made me feel a bit better!!
Our house is in a right state cos I just cant do anything. When I feel ok I try but I end up feeling ill by doing too much... And it doesn't take much to do too much recently. Instead of the older kids being helpful they continue to be the lazy gits they always were. My oh is amazing tho. He works nightshifts but He's took over the cooking and taking care of all the pets which itself is a full time job.

Sure it'll all get better soon.
I have a fabby hubbie, family and friends who are all helping me out!! My mum and dad come over in the day when im at work to do odd jobs and cleaning and hubbie cooks for me!! I just cant do any more than go to work and eat!! Lol!! But then I do work in an office during the day, mobile beauty in the eves and weekend and got to college so I am very busy!!

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