Feeling guilty


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
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I guess i just needed to post this to get t off my chest, i don't expect replies or anything, its just a little whinge and i'm proberbly being stupid and hormonal.

I feel totally guilty that i have just carried on today as normal, its the due date i was given for my twins and i feel like i should have sat and cried or done something different instead of doing the ironing and cleaning like i do everyday.
Don't get me wrong i knew the day as soon as i awoke this morning and yet i still made the choice to carry on daily routine.

I've had an arguement with OH and put harrison in bed early, not over the twins but maybe because im hormonal and angry today and not im sat on my own upset that OH hasn't even mentioned today and feeling guilty because i feel like i should have cried or something???? I dont know its hard to explain.
But in know way has this pregnancy made me forget what day it is, as much as i like to think that it hasn't OH either, he hasn't remembered or he is blanking it out.

Sorry to moan and whinge, just needed to write it down and let it out.
ah hun :hug: :hug:

dont feel guilty ok thats how you are handling things grief affects us in the most funniest of ways.
You will always remember your twins and whether you chose to do things than sit down and cry is your way of dealing with things its not saying your not grieving your just doing it in another way.

I just wanted to send you tons of hugs and PM anytime or just post anytime on here we are all here to listen and support you.

Sleep well little ones and look after mummy :hug: :hug:
i spoke to you online babe but ill say it again
You dont need to feel guilty about grieving. You lost your babies. You have every right to be upset and angry and any other feelings you have.
Im here anytime hun
Look after mummy and dady angels xxx
Hi MissSara,

I think it's understandable that you feel the way you do. My due date for the littleun I lost last July is coming up too and I'm finding the emotions quite confusing - on one hand I'm thinking about the one I lost, yet I have another one inside me, kicking away, and who, when my prev. due date arrives, will be 24 weeks and a 'viable baby'. It's like, I don't want to feel like I wish the last one hadn't worked out for this one's sake, or vice versa!!! I'd give my life for the baby I have now, and for the one I had before. It probably sounds like a load of gobbledygee, and I know that all we really have is 'here and now' but I just can't help feeling that way!!! I guess it is one of the pitfalls of getting pregnant quite quickly after a m/c.

Hope you feel better very soon :hug:

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