feeling fat and gross....


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2007
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I no its only been six weeks since i gave birth so i should be patient but uuh i still look pregnant! :( i was massive so naturally my tummy now looks like a deflated wrinkly old balloon! Luckily i seem to have lost the weight off my face and id say i was a size 12 but it looks weird/abnormal with this sort of bulge at the front :( Just feeling really un-attractive. Plus i am absolutley covered in stretch marks! Boobs legs, tummy, hips and even my bum!!! AND ive still got that horrible line going down the centre of my belly. lol i just feel gross!

How long did it take the rest of you ladies's bellies to sort of resemble their normal size? Or when will the line disappear? Oh and does anyone no any good remedies for fading stretch marks?
Sorry to sound rude but a size 12? Sweetie, you ain't in no rush to be bordered on the 'fat' side.

Give it time, I gained a lot of weight after birth only to find out I have a problem. Anyhow, the majority of mums will have the flabby tummy for a while. I've known a good few women that it took 1 - 2yrs to lose.

DOn't judge by celebrities. They have personal chefs, trainers and such to do everything for them. Us normal people just have to put up with what nature intended.
Yeh i no a size 12 isnt big. I just look weird slim everywhere else and just fat and droopy on my belly. Im not normally self concious. But i was in a shop the other day and someone asked me when the baby was due! felt like crying!
im size 22...i gave birth 7 weeks ago.. and im massive size 12 id kill for that.. it took 9 months to get like that il prob take another 9 to get almost bk..
oh pfft.

This used to be me before having kids:

(size 12)

This is me now:
(size 18 )

If anybody's gonna moan, it's gonne be me :(
thanx Xena ya no those pics help its just nice to know im not the only one, well i knew that anyway but its nice to share it with others in the same boat! My cousin who has a flat belly already after giving birth 4 weeks ago pinches her inch of belly and says "yeh dont worry look at mine" im like hhmmmm yeh horrible you poor thing :roll:

The way im putting on weight at the mo i wont be a size 12 for much longer! but i have got a beautiful son so i shouldnt moan! Like i said its just nice to share it with others! :)
aww hun :hug:

I think it's a little unfair for others to say cos your a size 12 you should be thankful, at the end of the day we all have insecurities about our post baby bodies. I hate my tummy!! In fact it was only place I put on weight during pregnancy, my fave/arms/legs all stayed same size.. now they've caught up :wall:

And I say that line too 'should be thankful I got a gorgeous baby boy' but sometimes that doesn't help, I love my baby but I used to love me too and want that again.

Unfortunately it's going to take some time, rome wasn't built in a day and my ass aint gonna be demolished in a day either :lol:

Just remember it took you 9 months to gain so give yourself a good 9 months to lose it. My line faded at about 4 months. Stretch marks are fading too although i'm not sure if creams help TBH.

:hug: :hug:

ps - slap you cousin from me :rotfl:
My stretch marks faded quite quicky, probably after a couple of months. My belly will never be flat again but started looking better after about 4-5 months,

And I've still got my linea nigra 11 months on so no idea when that will go!
Sage said:
thanx Xena ya no those pics help its just nice to know im not the only one, well i knew that anyway but its nice to share it with others in the same boat! My cousin who has a flat belly already after giving birth 4 weeks ago pinches her inch of belly and says "yeh dont worry look at mine" im like hhmmmm yeh horrible you poor thing :roll:

The way im putting on weight at the mo i wont be a size 12 for much longer! but i have got a beautiful son so i shouldnt moan! Like i said its just nice to share it with others! :)

your cousin just got lucky. There's not many women that lose it so soon. :hug:
My bellys just as bad Xena if not worse so dont feel bad babe.And covered in fooking stretchmarks.

Id like to lose some of it but i dont get the time to cook nutritious food during the day, i end up grabbing some crap and quick.
cheers ladies does help loads knowing others have the same wobbly bits ha! Got to look on the bright side atleast my boobs are bigger now to ha!

Id like to start eating healthier to but easier said than done with a baby isnt it! I find if somethin takes longer than 15mins to prepare forget it! Im not eating much in the day really either keep forgetting im so busy! As for exercising pfft! never been my strong point but i guess i'll have to look into it, im so unbelievable unfit. And i must admit ive never ventured into a gym :oops:
my tummy's still not as flat as it was- altho everywhere else im sure is skinnier! how odd iv just looked at my line on my tummy and its gone! last time i checked it was faint, but still there. iv just stopped BFing a week ago wonder if thats why :think:
hey hun,

i have battled and battled with my post preg weight...i put about 3 1/2 stone one after amber i was devastated looking in the mirror the day after i gave birth i remember it as plain as day in the mirror i burst out crying, i think some naieve (sp) thought in my mind is i will return to normal after!! oh no!!!

and i had so many posts about my post preg weight "its not going" "i still look preg" and the icing on the cake when OH went into hosp and she asked how far gone i was!!!!!!! I dont know who was more embarrassed me doing the "laugh" or her cringing!!!

But 6 months on i have worked hard and come to terms with it all. and my size 14 jeans that i had bought now feel so baggy and i am loosing weight every week. I do still have a jelly belly but no where near as bad as i did i have accepted its going to take a long time to loose but i am doing everything i can to loose it and OH still tells me i am gorgeous so thats enough for me xx

You will feel better soon hun i promise xxx

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