Feeling down :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2011
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Had my 38 week mw app this afternoon and she has said that baby is still not starting to ve engaged - not even a little bit. I'm so dissapointed, she said its unusual for a 1st baby not to be engaged at this point, which I assume means I'm gonna go overdue, and the thought of that makes me want to cry. :(

To top it off, my bp was raised and they found 3+ protein in my urine so have been stuck at the hospital since 4.30 getting checked and now waiting for blood results.

Sorry for the moany post I just really wanted to be told baby was a little bit engaged as at least I know things are moving in the right direction! x
Hope your ok hun, Not good with the badies in your wee and high blood pressure.

I don't think my son was engaged at 38 weeks either and I was medically induced early, I think that could have been why I never made it with him, ended up section two days later after 3cms total and infection from waters breaking :(
Aw. Big hugs, hun. I've got my 38 week appointment next Weds and am dreading not being engaged either. Don't worry too much about going overdue, although it would be very frustrating. Hope your blood results come back OK too. xxx
Sorry to hear that hun, I can totally understand why you're disappointed. Let us know how you get on at the hospital xxx

Hope LO starts behaving and your bloods come back normal hun.

Let us know how you get on, and hope you're not waiting too long xxx
Oh bless. I know how you feel Hun, you just expect at 38 weeks that things will soon be over! Don't mean that in a bad way, because I love being pregnant but when you get so far on the joy of carrying and looking after your LO turns into a huge pang to meet him/her. Still time yet for LO to engine and even without going over. chin up still not too long ccxxx
Sorry to hear your baby's not behaving.. Hope everythings ok with the protein and stuff and baby gets a move on soon! Im sure Ive heard of babies who havent engaged even at the start of labour, so keep positive! *sending you labour thoughts* :)
That's pants. Hopefully baby gets a right good wiggle on and quick smart! Good luck with results. Xx
Thanks ladies :)

Being kept in hospital overnight as they think I have pre eclampsia. If it is only mild then they will send me home tomorrow but will be monitored regularly and they might be sble to control it with drugs. They may have to induce me tomorrow though! I know I was moaning that I don't want to go overdue but I'm not sure i like the thought of being induced either! Fingers crossed I get to come home x x
Holy moly! Scary stuff - but exciting too. Baby is full term and it's better to be safe than sorry with pre e. good luck!!
Least ur baba is full term hun even though it's not the ideal situation but hopefully it won't come to that! Best of luck, hope u get some good news tomorrow! Try to get some sleep xxx
Try not to worry hon! Our LO had started to become engaged at 37 weeks but it obviously doesn't mean anything because I'm still here waiting at 40+2! I don't think it necessarily makes a difference; some babies don't engage until you go into labour.

Whether you're induced today or end up waiting, it will all be worth it in the end! (If only I could take my own advice haha, I know it's easier said that done!) x
Hey hon, I hope you slept ok in the hospital. Any news? Can't believe you might be induced! At least you get to meet your LO sooner xx
No news yet I'm afraid, thanks for asking. They don't tell you anything! I'm just waiting to be told what's happening. I'm a little scared at the thought of possibly being induced! Don't feel like baby would be ready yet, I'm hoping they let me go home but I know if they don't then it is for the best for baby x
Baby will be absolutely fine if he/she does make an early appearance now - you're full term. Hope they let you go home, make sure you rest lots and try not to worry x
Hope everythings going ok for you and you get to go home. I can completely understand not wanting to be induced, but if it needs to be done, at least you know theyre looking out for baby and itll be the safest option. Good luck with it all!
Oh my!! Sorry that I missed your earlier post of being in hospital. I hope you are ok and that the right decision is made for you and for LO. Fx hunni xx

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