Feeling depressed/scared need advice

aww you poor thing, dont be so hard on yourself.

Joe is the worlds worst for bumps. He fell down a step in his baby walker (my fault for not shutting the toilet door). He fell today from the chair and bumped it off the other chair in the process.

Accidents do happen and you done the right thing, if you were unsure or ever are then you should take him to the docs.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ditto what the others have said :hug: Please stop beating yourself up from this and try to relax a little. He is fine.

May I put forward a thought about his crying? You say you think its gotten worse. Maybe it has. But maybe your mind having gone into panic mode about it all is imagining it and you are magnifying things and making it worse in your own mind.

Maybe it is totally unconnected with his tumble and something else is causing him to cry. Is he displaying colicky symptoms. He is a few weeks old and it can start around this time. Does he seem more windy. Or could it be a growth spurt. Trying to poo perhaps. Any of those things might be a reason for him to cry. And all of those things are normal baby things than most will go through at some stage on these early weeks. He may just be wanting a cuddle which all babies love :)

Babies cry for various reasons. I'd stop thinking it is because of his fall. The guilt you are feeling is probably being made worse because of your hormones. They are all over the place the first few weeks after giving birth and can make a molehill seem like a mountain range. Take a deep breath and look at this from other peoples perspective. Many here have had similar happen to them. Their babies are fine :) Your OH does not think you are a bad person for what happened and is not worried either. He looks at Reggie and sees he is fine. Try to look from where those people are and see your son is doing well and has come to no harm. He is feeding, crying, waking, weeing.... all good signs that he is fine :)

He is jaundiced yes, but that is being monitored from what you've said and hopefully he'll improve there soon enough. My LO was jaundiced in the first week and it meant lots more feeds (every 2-3 hours without fail) to get him over the hump.

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