Feeling crap - mastitis?


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2011
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Last night, I started to feel crap and my right boob started to hurt. During the night its got worse and worse and I now feel terrible and like someone has punched my right boob over and over. I've fed on the painful boob all night and tried massaging it while I feed (which was agony at times) but it doesn't feel any different. Should I go to the Dr/phone the MW? Is there any point? Can anyone do anything? What should I be doing in the meantime to try to help? I've been in tears in the night and this morning :'(

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Hey hunny I had this about 3 weeks ago, went to docs and he gave me antibiotics and it was gone within the week :)

HTH and you feel better soon....I sympathise with you as it bloody hurts xxx

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Defo go to the GP - if its mastitis anti biotics will clear it up. In the mean time, I know it hurts but, keep feeding from that side - you need to make sure you dont let milk sit in your ducts and it will help clear it. Also massaging it in the bath/shower in warm water and expressing should help - anything to keep the milk moving.
Hope you feel better soon.
I'm not sure why my replies aren't showing on the website but are on tapatalk.

Expressing should help. I have just been to the docs and may have the start of it all caused by a new bra.

Be careful with ibuprofen x
You poor thing. Not much to add to the above, hope you get better soon. Make sure you get to the Drs and don't take no for an answer if they say they can't see you for a few days...it's an emergency! Xx
Managed to get to the Dr this morning. She gave me the strongest antibiotics that she could and I'm doing myself up with paracetamol and ibuprofen so I'm feeling a bit better. I've managed to express some milk and Jax has taken it with no problem from a bottle :)

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Glad you've got the medicine. Fingers crossed it clears up quickly.
Well done! Glad you got to the Drs - i hope the bionics kick in soon. Keep expressing if you can, i know its painful, but in a matter of hours you will feel better. Take care xx
Feel so much better already. Boob is much less painful already. I do still feel pretty crap when a the medication wears off but its really helping :)

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