

Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Well I've had a sore boob all of yesterday and when I woke up this morning feeling hot and achey I knew I have got it :?
Cos its bank holiday weekend I had to go to the out of hours doc who gave me antibiotics. My HV has drummed it into me about getting seen right away if I suspect I have it, and midna agreed LOL

I don't actually feel that bad, already a lot better now I've had paracetamol.

I'm really hoping I don't feel crap tomorrow cos I'm doing my first ever car boot sale!

Re: the sore boob, I'm still feeding Riley from it but its still swollen and sore, it is OK to express to try and relieve it or better to leave it alone?
:hug: :hug: :hug:

I think it helps to express as it could become engorged if not used and then even more painful. I had it in the 1st week Emms was born and went all shaky and hot and cold, hope you feel better soon.
I had it when kyla was about 7 months, my milk seemed to dry up quick while i had mastitis and i had to stop feeding. I was told to express and keep feeding her to keep the milk going, but as i was worried about feeding her while i had it, i didnt and my milk dried up.

good luck for the car boot if you go.
expressing also will be fine, you need to keep the milk flowing. Put a warm water bottle or warm flannel over the affected area a few mins before feeding/expressing as this will help. Hope you feel better soon, mastitis is a bitch :hug:
Oooh I never had this, but it sounds nasty, poor you. I really hope you feel better soon.

Good luck at the boot sale, make sure you let us know how you get on! I LOVE boot sales!

Valentine Xxx
sounds like youve caught it early , i couldnt get offer the sofa when i had it and had a fever of 102 lmao

another brill point NHS direct told me ( i got it at night) , stand in the shower 15 mins before feeding , running the hot water down that boob, get out , dry then straight away put riley on it :hug: in fact this did soooo good ! and leland wasnt taking boob well , if he had of been i think it would have cleared it quicker
Hope youre feeling a bit better Urchin, sounds like you caught it early. When I suspected I was getting it I did what Gem said and also laid on my front in a warm bath - I leaked a bit, but if a milk bath is good enough for cleopatra....
Also fed Eva as usual and in some funny positions to get her massaging the sore bit with her gums lol, was told it doesnt hurt them even if it seems a bit ick. Hope the car booty went well too x
hi guys

feeling loads better today, looks like I did catch it early enough. I managed to get up at 6.30 and do my bootsale, which went OK :)
Now I'm knackered & off to bed :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
Thank goodness you caught it early and acted! Never had it and touch wood I dont but feel for you :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hope youre feeling a bit better Urchin, sounds like you caught it early. When I suspected I was getting it I did what Gem said and also laid on my front in a warm bath - I leaked a bit, but if a milk bath is good enough for cleopatra....
Also fed Eva as usual and in some funny positions to get her massaging the sore bit with her gums lol, was told it doesnt hurt them even if it seems a bit ick. Hope the car booty went well too x
hi guys

feeling loads better today, looks like I did catch it early enough. I managed to get up at 6.30 and do my bootsale, which went OK :)
Now I'm knackered & off to bed :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
Thank goodness you caught it early and acted! Never had it and touch wood I dont but feel for you :hug: :hug: :hug:
Yes, good job you took action before it became too bad! I know how you feel as I got it in both boobs.

L xxx

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