Feeling baby


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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:wave: Hello fellow tri 2ers

I have been feeling little kicks for about 2 weeks of more but over the last two days they have got stronger and if I lay down when LO is kicking and put my hand on it (with a teeny bit of pressure) I can feel the little weeny kicks on my hand :cheer: :cheer:

I can't believe it, it feels so early! Its deffo kicks wind doesn't kick you :lol:

Im well excited I can feeel baby so well :dance:

Anyone else around my stage feel or felt baby like this?

Aw wow, thats amazing that your feeling it so early! Ive been feeling little twitches in the last few days :) But might just be in my imagination! lol
That's great :hug: I felt this one around 14 weeks, seems to happen earlier with second babies!

Aw congrats!!! :cheer: You are so lucky to feel this from quite early on. I didnt until week 21..then again, maybe I missed the subtle signs?

Now Im 22 weeks its really strong. Now baby kicks and we can see the jolt on my tummy lol.

It makes it really hit home that there is a little person inside!
its exciting isint it i felt lil flutters quite early with this one :D

But last night i also had a jolt on my tummy lol :cheer:
I've been feeling movements for bit now too, same as you Tasha. Didn't say anything at first though because I thought maybe it was just wind and I wanted it to be the baby but after a while you can definitely start to tell the difference. I haven't tried putting my hand over to feel from the outside so will have to do that.

Don't get the movements all day long or anything though so I think it has to be a big one to be noticable! Can't wait til OH can have a feel :cheer:
It's cause you're such a lovely slim Jim Tash, you lucky girl! I felt them from about 16 weeks this time but it was very subtle. They're getting stronger every day though :)
I think I felt something last night. I went to bed and I could feel twitches in bed. So I got my phone out, played Bananas in Pyjamas ringtone (why do I have this? :lol:) and I felt like a nudge.... One nudge... Nothing else........ Don't know if its too early as its my first baby... It definitely wasn't wind, I am familiar with that one! :lol:

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