Feeling Baby Move???


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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Sorry i know theres lots of threads about this one, but ive felt baby move the odd little bit over last wk or so, like a bubbly feeling but its not regular or even daily. Just wondering when I will be able to feel it move more often? Reading some posts from people at 22 wks and they can see it move and babys movements are moving objects on their bumps etc (which sounds fab btw) but I cant imagine this and im only a few wks behind. Does it happen all of a sudden? Thanks xx
It happens gradually between weeks 18-22 as far as my pregnancy has gone. Each day they seem to be a bit more frequent and a bit more firm.
I honestly was worrying at 16 weeks when everyone was saying they were feeling their baby and then one day that week I felt it x from there it's snowballed x from feeling not much at 16 weeks OH felt Seb at 18 weeks and now at 23 weeks Seb doesn't stop! Lol x I feel like I went from feeling nothing to the kicks being so strong for OH to feel in a really short time x x
Thanks ladies, hope it happens soon. Sounds wonderful. Reasured to think it happens quite quickly Helen x
I only started feeling 'flutters' about 2 days ago... so you will too soon! :)
I wouldn't worry too much, I'm 21 weeks and only really started feeling anything a couple of days ago. I think it's different with each pregnancy. They say if it's your first child it'll happen later rather than sooner. I read it's anything between 18 - 26 weeks.
I'm just trying to figure out what baby moving feels like. I've found the words "gas, popcorn and butterflies" used to describe it. I've started to feel weird fluttery type feelings in my stomach on and off through the day and im wondering if that might be the baby and its first wriggles or if its just my imagination, lol. I wish it would just boot me really hard to let me know that its him/her. Kinda of like a "give 3 knocks if there's anybody there"!!

Mine felt like baby tapping too! I also spent 2-3 days thinking 'nah, it's my imagination' x lol x turns out it wasn't! He he x
it goes quick tho and in a couple of weeks you will prob feel propa kicks. In the beggining (week 15) i felt baby maybe 2 times a week now since 2 weeks its daily and more and more and harder and harder. seen it move a few times and feel it with my hand everyday now.
It does happen gradually, its only been in the last few days that mine is moving and kicking allot! ;)
You just wait til your bumps bouncing and flopping all over because the little bean is giving you some belting kicks! :dance:
think I just felt baby properly for the 1st time before I thought it was just wind but this was in the right place and i am empty of wind tmi!!! Feels like a tiny flick inside my tummy
I started feeling my first move at 16 weeks and this one from only 12 weeks which has been like little wiggled which have become more frequent and now everyday it's getting more and stronger as well.
Well it seems that we are all feeling it around now. Im worried now though as I havnt felt anything today or yesterday, not that it was regular yet anyhow. I just thought it would be getting more often and stronger everyday not just disappear. Should I be worried??? x

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