feeling alone and worried


Oct 28, 2008
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Hello everyone. I am new to this forum, I wanted to talk to people who are going through the same worries and emotions as me. I had a miscarriage in june at 10 weeks and I have just fallen pregnant again. I am very pleased about this , it happened easily, which is a blessing but I can't get over being frightened that I am going to lose my baby again. I am only 5 weeks and feel hyper aware of my body. I have been having pains in my back and tummy yesterday and today, a bit like period pains. I feel compelled to check the tissue each time I have a wee and noticed a little yellowish discharge this morning. I have convinced myself that a miscarriage is on its way again. I just feel so upset and worried and so alone. As the pregnancy is so early, no one else knows yet apart from my partner and I am finding it hard to talk to him about it. He brushes my worries aside, he is trying to be reassuring but sometime you need to talk about your fears, not just be reassured you know. I have a wonderful 2 year old daughter and I am trying to be the normal happy mummy for her but its hard at the moment. Will these fears ever go away?
hi ya hun i'll guse say what i say to everone with simalar posts to yours :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: i know it's a scary time however it's a new sperm and a new egg so it's like a new start, my doctor told me that it's unlikely i'd lose again oviously they can't say it won't happen but it's unlikely, so try to be positive and enjoy your pregnancy, i'm wondering if you have a water infection or something becasue your discharge is little yellowish mabe it might be worth gonig to the docs asap and get your wee checked for an infection it could be why your geting the pains it's better to be safe than sorry :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: i don't think the feelings will go away untill after your 12 week scan and it'll always be there till you have your baby in your arms (so i have been told lol), i have 2 lovely children (my son is 6 almost 7 and daughter is 4) and had a missed miscarriage in june too so i can sympafise but now i'm 12+5 weeks pregnant and had my scan yesterday and all is well, sometimes i think it's nice to read stories about people who have had simalar experiances and have a healthy baby at the end of it, i often went back to read some of the stoies in this section :D :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi thanks for your kind words and I am glad that all is going well for you this time. I feel a little better this afternoon, just the pregnancy heightened emotional state I think! Trying to think positive xx
HI there

I know exactly what u mean - going for a wee and checking the tissue and conscious of every movement!! I have had 2 m/c cand pregnant again about the same as you. It is hard to try and relax - I had reiki on monday which helped and trying to take oneday at a time. My symptons seem so much stronger this time and Im taking hope in that that it is a positive sign.

Fingers crossed for you - nad you don't need to be alone - you can chat with me anytime.

God I know just what you mean. I am in a similar situation although we lost our first much earlier (4+3) but I just feel very alone not being able to distract myself. Hubby keeps telling me 'not to worry' (like you can just switch it off :roll: ) but I am doing my best to stay positive. To be honest it hasn't sunk in yet at all.

The best thing you can do is keep reminding yourself that it's a completely different baby this time, as people have said, different chances.

By the way I know just what you mean about the wiping - I go to the loo even when I don't need to now to check for bleeding. Honestly it's about every half hour!!!

Lots of hugs coming your way. You don't need to feel alone when everyone here knows how you feel :hugs:
I was totally the same, It took me so long to start believing I was going to have a baby and I worried about everything, all the "what ifs" are awful!!

But as the others have said, this is a different baby and the chances are high that everything will be ok this time. I know you won't be able to stop worrying completely but hopefully knowing that what you are feeling is normal will help!

Hi Hun
I have lost quite a few pregnancys at 8wks and 10wks down to no heart beat after seeing a
heartbeat at scans i am missed miscarraige patient so i know the pressure it brings
when you get pregnant again which is only natural for us all who have lossed before
The main thing is to stay positive cause not every pregnancy is the same all pregnancys are different
just because one pregnancy has ended in a loss does not mean the next pregnancy will be the same
The pains you are having is your body adapting to your pregnancy you will feel little pains here and there
but there is nothing to worry about hun :D

The reason for my losses is because i have 2 blood clotting disorders 1 called lupas and tiny blood clots
form in the placenta cutting off oxergen supply to my babies i just found out i have this blood disorder after 12 yrs of being told all is normal and i only found out because i went to another hospital for a 2nd
opinion .. when i am next pregnant they are going to give me some medication and hopefully this will work for me now that they have detected the cause for my losses i am undergoing icsi treatment and on day
4 of my injections and hoping to join you with a bfp next month :cheer: .

This yellow cervial mucas is all good its all pregnancy hormone and seeing cervical mucas thats creamy is great :cheer: so you have nothing to worry about what so ever you are pregnant and you are gonna hold this baby in your arms honey so enjoiy the rest of your pregnancy and get ready for your big bump :hug: xxx
Hi ladies
Thanks for all your lovely replies, i am so touched and have been welling up reading them just now! 'waiting for miracle', I was so sorry to hear your story, its terrible that it took the doctors so long to find the cause, but at least this gives you a far better chance the next time you conceive, i am sure it will happen for you soon. Its good to hear from other people in similar situations who are going through the same roller-coaster of emotions that i am. Well I am now 8 weeks pregnant, with achy boobs, throwing up every morning and sleeping for england! Its brilliant to have all these reassuring symptoms and I am feeling much more positive by the day. I just want to get past the 10 week mark when we lost our last baby and then I will start to feel more relaxed. My tummy is getting big already but I am trying to wait until I reach 12 weeks at christmas before I hunt out the maternity wear, not to tempt fate! we are still keeping this pregnancy a secret, which is getting increasingly harder, but i am spending the weekend with the family so i think they just may notice! It will be good to tell.
I hope you are all doing well and keeping positive xxxxxx lots of love
hiya hun i'm so glad it's going well for you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: have a lovely weekend with the family :D
That's great news Rhiannon, I didn't tell anyone with this pregnancy for a while and it's so difficult. Your family will be delighted :cheer:

so glad you are feeling a bit better about it all :)
Bad news, my worse fears have come true and I have lost my baby. It happened quite suddenly at 10 weeks again. At exactly the same point that we lost our previous baby. To make matters worse we were out of the country so I have spent the last 2 days in a hospital where I barely spoke the language. We are home now and i am waiting for reality to hit. Feeling very dazed right now. Good luck and love to you all. xx
Sorry to hear that :hug: :hug: :hug: Good luck for next time when you are ready and stay positive.xx

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