Feeling a bit overwhelmed


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2010
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Hi All,

I'm beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed with everything I need to do to get ready for the baby.
My dad very kindly has offered to pay for our travel system, but I just can't make a decision on what I want.
We've got to completely clear out and redecorate what will become the nursery, choose our theme if we are going to have one and buy everything for the baby.
OH is out all weekend, every weekend for his job so we only have evenings as I can't do it all myself.
I really want to start to get organised but don't know where to start. I know I've got a while yet, but I'd really like it done before I get too big!!!
Anyone else feeling the same?
Yeah a little bit hun. I've started clearing the room today but I need someone to take me to the tip with all the rubbish and I'm not sure who to ask. I just want it done. Then i'll need help to decorate. I hate having to depend on people lol.
Is there any prams you've seen that you like? I was given a prams and I don't like it. That probably sounds ungrateful but its a brown graco. I don't like the colour and its really bulky. I'm quite happy to buy a decent black second hand pram but people keep saying oh your pram is fine. God check me moaning lol. I've got quite a few things already though

X x x x

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I went to Babies R Us and Mothercare today and saw some I like so am taking OH tomorrow night to see what he thinks.
The Graco one I liked looks really bulky and the reviews all say it's heavy and bulky.
A lot of the stuff in the nursery is OH's so I don't know what to keep and what to throw out.
I know what you mean about the tip, I need OH to help me and he's never here at weekends so he'll end up taking it all in the week and no doubt moan about it!!!
I know we'll get there in the end, just don't want to go in to labour when I'm building a cot!!!
I went to Babies R Us and Mothercare today and saw some I like so am taking OH tomorrow night to see what he thinks.
The Graco one I liked looks really bulky and the reviews all say it's heavy and bulky.
A lot of the stuff in the nursery is OH's so I don't know what to keep and what to throw out.
I know what you mean about the tip, I need OH to help me and he's never here at weekends so he'll end up taking it all in the week and no doubt moan about it!!!
I know we'll get there in the end, just don't want to go in to labour when I'm building a cot!!!

Hahaha me either hun. I get pissed off because lots of people say "if you need a hand with anything let me know" So you ask them and they help but then they grudge it and moan. Can't stand that, if I can't help someone I won't offer in the first place! Grrrr, seems I'm not in a cheery mood today lol.

x x x x
I mustn't be in a cheery mood either hun!!
Hugs! I blame hormones and lack of sleep ;)

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Hugs to you too!

Got a quieter week and weekend this week so am going to crack on and get some bits done. Will nag OH to help me!!!
Hugs to you too!

Got a quieter week and weekend this week so am going to crack on and get some bits done. Will nag OH to help me!!!

Good! Just get him sorted lol.

x x x x
I was given a prams and I don't like it. That probably sounds ungrateful but its a brown graco. I don't like the colour and its really bulky. I'm quite happy to buy a decent black second hand pram but people keep saying oh your pram is fine.

Sell the brown one and put the money to get one you like. Stuff anyone else, its your baby have what you want!

I was given a prams and I don't like it. That probably sounds ungrateful but its a brown graco. I don't like the colour and its really bulky. I'm quite happy to buy a decent black second hand pram but people keep saying oh your pram is fine.

Sell the brown one and put the money to get one you like. Stuff anyone else, its your baby have what you want!


Thanks hun, thats exactly what I'm going to do!

yeah i totally agree with flospy!

Im waiting until my matnerity leave when ill be about 30 weeks to sort out the nursery etc, i figure it will give me something to do - and i dont want to spend my matenity leave just lazing around at home because ive put so much weight on already and im always running around all day when im at work. Im worried im get huuuuuuge if i dont motivate myself to do things when im off work!!

I havent even booked in for the free nhs antenatal class yet which is worrying me - really need to get that organised x
Anti natal classes- I need to book in for them too!

Just been having a chat with OH about looking for buggys tomorrow and a whole nother can of worms has been opened - do we go for a travel system or just ask Dad to get us the buggy and we'll sort out car seat etc.

It's all so confusing!! Part of me wishes that I could get someone to go and get it all for me!!! Although I do love shopping!!!

I'll be on my maternity leave from about 34 weeks so will still have some bits to do but I want the nursery cleared, decorated and an idea, at least, of what furniture, theme etc we are going to go for so I can spend the start of my leave making the room nice for my baby.
i think me and OH are quite lucky that my OHs twin brother and his gf had a baby about 10 months ago so they are advising us on all the best things to buy. They didnt buy a travel system but now they say thats one of the things they really regret not doing so we are going to get one.

They also combined breast feeding and bottle feeding which we are hoping to do too so they advised us on the best type of sterilisers and stuff x
Im in the same boat, weve just moved house and the whole place is upside down. ive got lots of time 2 get sorted though but the WHOLE house needs organising and redecorating before i can even start on the nursery and baby things. im hoping i get it done soon because if my nesting was anything like it was with my son it will drive me CRAZY if the house is anything less that perfect!! x
im in the same boat. spare room has always been known as the junk room so you can imagine the state of it at the mo.

gong to start going through it today. try and find some stuff to put on ebay to make more money for more baby bits. xxx
same here...have to clear out spare bedroom which we use as a storage room as well as a guest room ! we'll need to get rid of so many things but Baba will sleep in our bedroom for the first 6 months so I don't worry to much about the nursery yet..the only thing I'm sure of is I'll go for a travel system(with the car seat) ! the guy from mothercare has recommended a mc Laren one but not sure yet,it's soooo expensive !
I let myself be pushed into buying things I didn't like, by someone who knew I had so little money and who made me feel I had to buy the cheapest shittest travel system. Well, I didn't have it long!!!

This time, a lot is second hand or otherwise well-thought-out, but the pushchair will be the one I really want (Mothercare one that I've chosen with 4 wheels in green but that you can have in 3 wheels instead, you know the one?) - and there's so much I'm not bothering with. Will be using sterilizing tablets when needed, and the Medela Swing breastpump is most recommended by people I know, and I just asked the midwife and she says they make the best ones!

I'm stressed because my 3.5 year old doesn't even have a separate room at the mo, never mind the baby. I want the study turned into a room for my daughter asap as with her not living with us permanently, I will be able to use it for late night reading (I don't sleep well often) and when the baby is born, I can take him or her in there for feeding etc, like I did with my daughter, when she was being a typical newborn. And the house is chockablock full of stuff...

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