Feel useless!


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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We have got alot on over the next few weeks in the house and OH is taking over, im thankful for that but its going a little bit to far. He keeps telling me I cant do anything and if i do something when hes not arounds its wrong! I feel so useless and lazy, anyone else OH being far too overprotective? x x

I get really annoyed when people fuss over me because I'm pregnant! Just because I'm not as 'able' as I was before.
OH gets funny about me being out after about 6pm as I'm carrying his child lol
I wish!! My hubby let me mow the lawn last weekend as he was 'too ill' to do it! I ended up getting sunburnt and was done in all day after that. Suffered for a couple of days after. I do everything in the house, including all cooking, shopping etc. I've told him I need help with the shopping though or I'm doing it online as I just can manage the heavy trolley - well I can at the time it's just I suffered with really bad muscular pain (intercostals) all week after! It's an injury I got during my last pregnancy and it flares up when I lift or carry or pull too much.

I do all the washing everything! The only thing I ask him to do is take the rubbish out for me and I have to nag to get that done!
My OH is being ok, although more on the side of me doing more rather than less! I have to speak up if there's something I don't think I should be doing or can't do, otherwise I think he'd let me do it!........Have you told you OH how u feel hun? U know what men are like.....they don't get it unless you literally spell it out to them!......We've still got loads to do before baby comes and I like to be in control and get it done, finding it difficult as I just can't and having to rely on others is sooo hard! Hope that you can convince him you are still able to do stuff and that you feel useful again soon! xx
Hey hun, sounds like he's just being helpful and caring. You sound a lot like me, I hate people doing other things for me and I've found it really difficult to try and let OH take over stuff. Its not wrong to do stuff while he's not around, maybe just explain that you're not doing anything that will harm you or LO and that if you feel you've done too much that you'll promise to rest. When my MW signed me off and advised me to rest because I was putting stress on myself and my body, my OH did pretty much everything for me and I felt so lazy and incompetent. I hated it :( but he simply said he would rather I sit back and do nothing (esp if that's what I've been told to do my MW) than me overdo it. I've come to find it quite cute now bless him lol but if you feel OH is taking things a bit too far just explain to him that you appreciate everything he does for you but you still feel perfectly capable of doing things yourself but you promise not to over do it etc. Hope this helps hun xxx

PS Nearly V-Day for us :D xxx
Make the most of it m2a

We've just had a new kitchen and bathroom fitted - it was about a month ago but as you can imagine it was total chaos with things getting moved about alot ect, I couldn't do a thing, now we're painting/doing up the rest of the 2 rooms, the small bits that have been left, and he's told me i've to do nothing, aparently paint fumes are bad.

Wish the fairy liquid was bad too i might get away with not having to do the dishes (no such luck)

my OH is the same m2a but i LOVE it!! i'm taking full advantage!! he cleans the whole house, doesn't let me lift anything but it is annoying at time because he is obsessed and i actually mean obsessed with my diet and healthy eating! i walked out a few sunday's ago coz it was going so over the top!

when the baby is here i'll be off work for a year so will end up doing everything around the house, so im enjoying it while it lasts :)

ur not useless anyway, ur carrying a baby!! xxxxxx
I feel exactly the same way! I moved out of one house on june 30th and I'm moving into the new place next friday, so we've been packing and unpacking constantly! OH won't let me pick up a cushion to pack! I'm trying to enjoy it but it's so frustrating to take a step back because everything is taking so much longer!

To add to that I know that when we get into the new house we need to be decorating and putting all our LOs nursery furniture together. Normally I'd want to help with the furniture (OH has a very short temper with flat pack furniture) but I won't be able to lift a finger! The pressure is on as well because we only have a week from moving in day until OH goes offshore for work again, not to return until 3 weeks before baby is due!

My OH is completely different! I've been cleaning the house every week and doing the ironing. I had a bit of a melt down this weekend and hes helped me out finally. We've been painting today and I was feeling really hot so he told me to stop for a bit, I went back in after 20 minutes to see how it was going and he handed me the roller and told me to start on a particular wall! I would love for my hubby to tell me to sit down and rest, although I did complain about his sister doing absolutely nothing during her pregnancy so its my own fault really! x x x
I wish!! My hubby let me mow the lawn last weekend as he was 'too ill' to do it! I ended up getting sunburnt and was done in all day after that. Suffered for a couple of days after. I do everything in the house, including all cooking, shopping etc. I've told him I need help with the shopping though or I'm doing it online as I just can manage the heavy trolley - well I can at the time it's just I suffered with really bad muscular pain (intercostals) all week after! It's an injury I got during my last pregnancy and it flares up when I lift or carry or pull too much.

I do all the washing everything! The only thing I ask him to do is take the rubbish out for me and I have to nag to get that done!
i can totally relate!!! :roll: x
Mine continues to do beggar all apart from create mess for me to tidy after him :roll: x
Thanks for your replies ladies, i have spoken to him and told him I feel useless so he let me help a little bit this afternoon and by 4pm i was asleep on the couch - not holding out much a fight am I! x x

Lol it's always the way, I was the same today :p xx
Haha today OH and I were sorting out our things to move into the new house. I was complaining that he would let me move anything, he told me to sit in the car and rest, and then I fell asleep laying in the car!!!

Ladies we're letting the side down! xx
mine is the same M2A but my mother is driving me mad!!! i feel the same as you hun, i want to scream "i'm not disabled"

i think they are trying to help but it annoys the hell outta me!

hope you feel better soon! x x x x x
Its nice that they want to help out so much but it can be ott lol! my OH goes from one to the other lol depends how he feels :lol: he always does the washing up and makes me tea though, no matter what.. even before preg!!

Lap it up it wont last long lol!!
My OH has been pretty overprotective, won't let me carry a thing and yelled at me the other day for carrying the dyson up the stairs. I'm finding it so frustrating as I'm normally so busy and love to be on the go doing things. I told him I felt that this pregnancy had rendered me powerless and that I felt like a superhero who had had all her powers taken away lol! He then said "What do you mean you have the greatest power of all, you're actually growing another human being - that's amazing!" I thought that was so sweet and that really made me feel so much better x x
awwww thats adorable!!!!

your right though... theres so much we cant do already we dont need to be bedbound!

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