Feel so low :-(


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2011
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Sorry ladies but this is going to be a miserable thread!!

Had such a horrible day today, all me and OH have done is argue and scream at each other! Theres no reason for it - not one that i can pinpoint anyway!! Final straw was him saying that he wabted to spend as little time with me as possible. So basically since 3pm ive been curled up in bed watching tele feeling like absolute shite!

I have been feeling so low and fed up since my appointment last monday and im realluy struggling to see the positive side of ttc now! It has just been so heartbreaking so far! Normally it takes a couple of days for me to pick myself back up and start fighting again but this time i just dont have the energy! I feel crap because the clomid quite obviously isnt working for me! I'm CD 30 today and have had no clear sign that ive ovulated!!

Its starting to feel like ive done something horribly wrong and im being punished for it in such a cruel way :-(
Sorry to hear ur feeling so bad hun. Its never nice to hear of people feeling low when we're all hoping for the same thing. Virtual hugs and positive thoughts being sent ur way x
Im so sorry to hear you are having such a horrid time hun.

Michelle. x
You haven't done anything wrong hun, its just the shit cards we have been dealt. I hope you and dh kiss and make up soon xxx
Just had a nice hot bath and he came and sat and talked to me. He said he understands why im so frustrated and sad but it hurts him that im taking it out on him. I can get his point there but hes just the closest one!! He said i need to get my head around the fact that i am a little bit different to everyone else so not to get upset when the same stuff doesnt happen for me i.e ovulation tests and getting pregnant easily. Everything he said made sense but i just cant get my head around it all. I guess i'm just finding it difficult to accept
Oh honey, chin up! Its tough at times. You need to remember theres no point in blaming yourself! You and your OH need to make sure you keep talking and being honest with each other! You are not out yet as you can still ovulate. Think the two of you need to treat yourselves maybe do a date night. Try to put all ttc out of your head. Enjoy each other, remember why you are together! You have lots of options and when your ready get back on the ttc mentality train! Big Hug! Xxxx
Sorry hon it sounds like one of those days. Arguing is totally normal though. Don't forget you are on clomid and that effects people in different ways. I have never been on clomid but I can tell you that Neil and I have had some stormers about the frustrations of TTC. I think it is good that you can talk about it after a row. Have a good night sleep and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. I cannot imagine how annoying it must be with your ovulation but always try and remember that none of this is your fault, you are doing all you can and that is all anyone can ask.

Love Gizzy xxx
Thanks ladies. I dont know why i cant seem to pick myself up and fight back like i usually do!

We have treated ourselves quite a lot over the last week which felt good.

Gizzy the clomid turns me into a crazy hormonal hot flushing mad woman. OH mentioned it earlier and said he thinks its stull affecting me even tho i stopped taking it 24 days ago!
Hi nicky, sorry I've just logged on tonight. The ladies are all right, fighting with oh is normal but remember you are in this together. Sending you a massive hug xxxxx
Thanks hun. We don't usually argue like that and he just told me that the least time he had to spend with me the better! Think it shocked me more than anything. I am so so lucky to have him and he is very supportive. I think maybe everything just blew up in our faces today :-( x
Oh we all have days like this. With so much hope and focus on one thing its normal. Get a good night sleep. Things are never as bad in the morning x x
:hugs: I hope you feel brighter today hun. Sorry you had such a rubbish day. I can't say much more than what the others have, just wanted to send some hugs. x x
I feel rubbish today, not as down but i have really bad stomach cramps, lower back ache, a sore throat and a pounding head! I think i've just burnt myself out which is why i cant pick myself back up from all the dissapointment xx
Oh Nicky I'm sorry you're still feeling down today. Big hugs. I think you need a pick me up, have you got any time off work so that you and oh can go away and have time to yourselves. I think that would really help.
Also did you enquire about moving hospital? I think part of why you feel so deflated is because you have no next steps to take. Let us know if we can help at all xxx x
Just been to a friends to have a good chat as she was concerned that I am so down! She knew everything anyway which helped. I've come to a decision but I need to speak to OH before I fully decide. Feeling a little brighter now xxx
Hope your better today nicky xx
It's super hard when hormones are ragging xx

Hope you and your oh are happy with what uve decided xx :) chin up xx
Oh hun, we should go out for a few drinks, im feeling the same. Its all come to a head and ive melted down and then bang Impetgio....a sure sign way i have burned myself out.

You do take it out on those closest to you without meaning to, and OH's will blow up sometimes, but its all part and parcel. Its good that you's have treated yourself lately.

Hope your feeling better soon xxx
Ive come down with a cold and chapped lips - my signs of being worn out! Don't think I can take much more x
I think that's why I've got this gum abcess - there's very lil fight left inside xx
I have no energy to fight it at all anymore. Going home from work soon to discuss my decision with OH and then I'll fill you all in. I'm hoping hell agree with my decision x

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