feel so alone................

Of course your going to miss him babe, hes just completely turned your life upside down and literally left you holding the baby, so how your feeling is absolutely normal.

But you have to keep asking yourself what will life be like in 5 years time, when your buba is at school and you have a bit more freedom, when you have gotten that loser out of your system and possibly met someone else more deserving of your love, when you will look back on this time and say "sh*t it was hard, but I stayed strong and look where I am today" and you'll be HAPPY!

Make that your ulitmate goal, take each new day and turn it into a challenge to end the day with a smile, wether thats because someone has said something nice or you felt that special closeness with your daughter, or simply just because you have gotten through another day without texting or calling your ex.

Believe me babe, take it from someone who knows, you can only ever be happy if you believe that you can be, and we all know you can be - you just gotta catch up with that idea! :hug:
i feel for you hun, you will be a good mummy though, you dont need him, if you need sum1 to talk to you can pm me xx
if you wud like to give me your number i will give you mine if you need to talk, only if you want to:)
god nic i am so sorry.
all i can say is that you both deserve so much more, just concentrate on your lovely little girl & you never know whats round the corner for you do you?
you'll meet someone worthy of you both one day.
have a lovely christmas.xxxx :hug: :hug:
i wish you all the best :hug:
look after yourself and your baby x
how you holding up hun, you sorted summat out yet with him?? :hug:
Sorry ur feeling so down hun, its horrible being alone at xmas
Think of ur baby tho hun, she can feel everything you feel. Dont let him get to you, dont get stressed over such a loser! She will feel it and be upset by it hun, trust me i know what thats like and i hate the pain i caused my baby girl by worrying about a prick that aint worth it!
Be strong hun it will work out! Never beg for him to come back hun, dont let him win! Make him want u so bad and then reject him! U dont need a bloke like that! If he dont give a shit about ur baby why should u give a toss about him??
Please just try and moev on and just be there for your little girl :hug: Its for the best, if u did get back with him he'll only do it again and again knowing ull take him back every time! And each time it will get worse for u and bubs! She needs a full time dad not a part time one. :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:

So sorry to hear your unhappy news but I have a tip for you to stay strong where he is concerned! Just think your little girl will look at your relationships as the model of what a relationship should be like. If she sees her dad treating her Mum like crap she will grow up letting men treat her that way because she thinks that is normal.

You are better off on your own! you will meet someone one day and be so glad that you aren't with that loser and your daughter will grow up with a Mum who is a strong woman and brilliant role model. Pour all your love into your LO and trust everything happens for a reason and you'll come out the other side of this much happier and that's a promise :wink:

Don't let him ruin your Xmas! Think positive thoughts for the new year ahead without having that useless idiot dragging you down! Be selfish, its all about you and your little girl now. Be excited as you don't know what's in store for you, life can be an exciting adventure now :)
skatty said:
:hug: :hug: :hug:

So sorry to hear your unhappy news but I have a tip for you to stay strong where he is concerned! Just think your little girl will look at your relationships as the model of what a relationship should be like. If she sees her dad treating her Mum like crap she will grow up letting men treat her that way because she thinks that is normal.

You are better off on your own! you will meet someone one day and be so glad that you aren't with that loser and your daughter will grow up with a Mum who is a strong woman and brilliant role model. Pour all your love into your LO and trust everything happens for a reason and you'll come out the other side of this much happier and that's a promise :wink:

Don't let him ruin your Xmas! Think positive thoughts for the new year ahead without having that useless idiot dragging you down! Be selfish, its all about you and your little girl now. Be excited as you don't know what's in store for you, life can be an exciting adventure now :)

Thats the best advice ive heard in a long time, you obviuously speak from experience and I can totally relate. I absoliutely agree with all of the above :clap:
babe, seriously, you need to start as you mean to go on and giving in to threats is sending out the wrong message. I dont mean to be blunt, but if he thinks he can have your baby xmas day just to play happy families with a girl he has only just met than he really is a to**er!

ive been through this kind of thing so if you need to chat please pm me xxx
dont let the tw@t take YOUR daughter for xmas day, he gave up his demands when he walked out on the pair of u!!!!

keep strong nic, glam urself up even if ur goin to the supermarket with the baby, anythin to keep urself feelin good and how good a mum u r!!
awww hun it was realli unfair of him to ask bout xmas as ur her mummy and its her first xmas its his fault his not with u guys
im thinking bout u hun :hug:
No I dont think theres anything wrong with him actually seeing her xmas day, but its the way it occured that rings alarm bells for me, him threatening to take you to court and you giving in, it just isnt right hun :hug:

The thing is, threatening court is the oldest trick in the book and very rarely actually gets to that stage, and if it does judges arnt stupid, they can always tell when a guy is taking his ex to court to try and be in control and play mind games.

You should start as you mean to go on, maybe tell him he can have her boxing day instead, not becasue you dont want him to see her xmas day but purely to let him know he cant make demands and threats like that - what will it be next if you let him do it this once?

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