feel really fed up and down


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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Sorry for yet another moany post but I feel relly down!
I still get really anxious about the pregnancy, still just look fat and worried as maybe that means baby isn't growing, stupid and irrational I know?! My battery went in my doppler but couldn't really pick anything up on it anyway :-(
Stuck at home, house is really messy but too much pain to tidy properly :-(
Oh hun, I'm sending you the biggest hugs & kezzamunster kisses ever


Oh hon, I went through this phase when I was about 13 weeks too, suddenly all the worrying of the past 3 months got on top of me and I felt dreadful. Pleased to say it soon passed though and within a couple of weeks i felt so much better, bump started to appear and I relaxed a lot more. All being well your midwife will listen for the heartbeat at your 16 week appointment, if you're feeling anxious though why not give her a ring and see if you can pop along to see her beforehand? I'm sure she'll understand given your history. I have to say though once you're over that 12 weeks and seen baby on scan risk of MC goes waaay down and even if you're not showing much yet baby will still be growing well, it could be that he she is just sitting further back in your uterus x x
thanks bella2 i have my next midwife appt next tuesday anyway. so hopefully she wil listen to heart and put my mind at rest.
i am getting fluttering which i think is the baby but its v subtle, but i cant shake the negative thoughts, and how devastating it would be after seeing LO jumping around.
yey OH said he just got me a battery for the doppler! do you reckon i'll pick anything up yet? i got something for like 1 sec at 12 weeks! but i never ever got it again and stopped trying at 12w3days and then went to use it today and battery gone!
Sorry your feeling down, it's a bit of a limbo stage of pregnancy, dont worry though you will start to get lots more flutters very soon and I'm sure you will pick something up on Doppler, try it very low down near pubic bone in middle and with a full bladder. Can be hard to pick up still at 13 weeks if baby lying funny. If it helps I still only have a tiny bump at 22 weeks, you wouldn't notice I was pregnant and didn't know me, it worried me a lot too but baby was quite big on my 20 week scan, so it's just hiding in there! I think we'll never stop worrying whatever stage we're at, even when baby is born you worry, I still worry about my now 14 year old baby, the worries just change!
thanks sarah. :) i have had a walk out in the fresh air and gonna start sorting through stuff in the house now. :D
That sounds good, bit of fresh air can do wonders!
glad to hear you're feeling more positive :) Sarah's right the worrying never really stops - you just change what you worry about lol! Ooh definately sounds like you're feeling the beginnings of movement, how exciting, I didn't feel anything proper till I was about 15/16 weeks so that's great you're feeling it early. All the best for next Tues x x
thanks hun! my doppler is broken, the new battery doesnt make any difference my dad currently has it to see what he can do :-(
Try not to worry too much, i've heard its hard to pick up the HB before 16 weeks, baby is just snuggled too far in just now! Try not to worry if you get a HB then next time dont, might be like that for next week or so.
Hi Sweetie, how are you feeling today?

Loads of people say they cant get anything at all on a doppler so dont worry too much about that.

I was feeling really low a few days ago and crying a lot and then i went on to ebay and bought myself a fab pair of shoes with a low heel and cushion soft sole for being comfortable whilst pregnant. Really cheered me up, lol :hug:
Hey I used a friend's doppler and even when I was in the lst 10 weeks or so I would not find the heartbeat so when you do it make sure you do it when you are relaxed and not expecting to hear anything and you might strike gold!
What doppler are you using as some aren't as sensitive as others I used a hi-bebe one and that picked up for me at around 13 wks.

Everyone goes through this stage its the inbetweeny stage where you are just waiting for the next scan and feeling a little reassured after 12 wk scan but still nervous until the next one comes. I hope you start to feel better soon, try to keep relaxed to help with the pain and keep yourself busy.

If you get bored like I do try blogging or something it works wonders for me and I can talk to anyone about nothing inparticular!
Sorry to hear you're feeling crap... :( It must be a 13 week syndrome - I've been feeling exactly the same way lately, was too depressed even to go online (and that says a lot!). Bit better today. I am sure it is normal to be worrying at this stage still, it should become much better once we can definitely feel our babies move. I wouldn't worry too much about the Doppler thing - I've heard that they cause more anxiety than anything else, so haven't even invested in one. Thinking of you - hope you feel better soon! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

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