feel like a bad mother!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2006
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LO just ran in front of a car and nearly got squidged on the way home form school, I shouted like a woman possessed, all the ther mums were staring at me :oops: but I just panicked.

I am so shook up, I thought he had better road sense than that, I made him cry because he said 'I shouted in his face' Now I just feel like sh*t and a bad mum :cry:

Why isn't being a mother easy? grrrr...
You just did what loads of other people would do. How can you be a 'bad' mum you were obviously showing concern that son would get run over.

It probably shook him up to and that is why is crying rather than the fact that you shouted at him.

Being a mum is easy if you don' care - but because you do and are a GOOD mum it is blooming difficult.

oh hun :hug:

You reacted to a scary situation as any mother would, and im betting he wont do it again in a hurry which is the most important thing!

Im so glad it didnt hit him :hug: :hug:
Any good mum would have reacted the same way.xxx Glad he is safe and well. xxx
:( Oh Frangelle, give him a huge hug and tell him you only shouted because you love him so much that you got scared, kids are resiliant, he'll come round.

As for the other mom's, I am sure they would have all done exactly the same!
hun you're not a bad mum. i would have reacted exactly the same, it was a very scary situation. im sure the other mums were just concerned about what nearly happened. explain to him that you were just scared and he wil understand. im glad he is ok.

Oh thanks guys, it's nice to hear that others would have reacted the same way.

I have explained to him why but he doesn't seem that bothered about the car, just that I shouted in his face. I did shout 'don't you ever do that again', it's not like I was shouting obscenities!! But I did feel abit waynetta slobbish when i saw him run on to the road and shouted 'KIERAN' at the top of my voice :?

Oh the joys of motherhood :roll:

I feel better now though so thanks :)
Awwwwwww :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: a bad mum wouldn't have shouted wouldn't have felt guilty and wouldn't have posted on here. I don't blame you! If someone older was crossing the road and was going to get run over you wouldn't exactly stand there and cough politely hoping to get their attention would you? I'm sure once you explain how worried you were to your boy he will be fine. Also it's good for him to learn that adults can explain their behaviour and value his feelings in the way you obviously do.
if this can make you feel better: i think a lot of us would have reacted like that. me especially. glad he's ok.
frangelle said:
Oh thanks guys, it's nice to hear that others would have reacted the same way.

I have explained to him why but he doesn't seem that bothered about the car, just that I shouted in his face. I did shout 'don't you ever do that again', it's not like I was shouting obscenities!! But I did feel abit waynetta slobbish when i saw him run on to the road and shouted 'KIERAN' at the top of my voice :?

Oh the joys of motherhood :roll:

I feel better now though so thanks :)

:rotfl: Waynetta Slob?????? Give yourself a break!!!!!
I never smack my kids, but I always say the day I will will be the day they do something like that. Some things are important enough to drum into them, I would rather they get scared by shouting or even a smack than get killed by a car.
you did the right thing :hug:
evemarie8 said:
frangelle said:
Oh thanks guys, it's nice to hear that others would have reacted the same way.

I have explained to him why but he doesn't seem that bothered about the car, just that I shouted in his face. I did shout 'don't you ever do that again', it's not like I was shouting obscenities!! But I did feel abit waynetta slobbish when i saw him run on to the road and shouted 'KIERAN' at the top of my voice :?

Oh the joys of motherhood :roll:

I feel better now though so thanks :)

:rotfl: Waynetta Slob?????? Give yourself a break!!!!!

I did, I sounded common as muck!!!
dont feel like a bad mum it was your reaction
id have been the same probably worse,

i remember that happened to me when i was little.
mum shouted at me cos i nearly got hit.. and it wasnt my fault.
You are not a bad mum at all! You did whatever any GOOD mum would do! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
my mum used to do things like this when i was little and its only now that i realise that she was just scared or worried or wanted to scare me so much i never did it again!

dont worry, he wont remember tomorrow. :hug:
hun i would of done the same thing dont think that your a bad mum your a caring mother.
Don't worry..there can't be many mothers who haven't done that at some point. I remember about a year ago James ran towards the road and was a quarter of the way across the road before he stopped. I literally screamed at him. I wouldn't worry, like others have said, just explain why you shouted.
NIE said:
Any good mum would have reacted the same way.xxx Glad he is safe and well. xxx

completly agree ur not a bad mum ur a mum who cares about her LO i know id do the same

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