feel funny


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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well the past couple of days. especially today. ive been really uncomfortable.

feeling loads of pressure, braxton hicks and period pains. barely walked 10 metres today before i felt like i needed to sit or something as the pressure was too much and felt like baby was gonna fall out. lol.

keep feeling his head but not moving more like its pushing down. which then cause pain down there(tmi). ive been sitting with my legs apart like a man as its too much to sit with them together.

whats going on? is this all normal. xxx
Afraid I can't help with whether it's normal on not... But totally get the 'sitting like a man' thing! :hug: x
It sounds like the head engaging. Lol at sitting like a man!! I do that myself wqithout realising - something I would never have let myself do before. I was always a knees together ankles crossed kind of girl, but its just a case of I'm comfortable - sod what anyone else thinks! Lol!

If you are concerned - check in with your midwife. She will put your mind at rest.

It's probably your little one moving down more causing the pressure. I sit crossed legged (like at school) on the sofa, sooo comfy at the moment! lol x
It'll be baby moving down, I think.

Did you know it's bad for us to sit 'like a lady'? I can't because of my hips and knees anyway, but I was surprised to hear it!

I'm pretty much the same - was told yesterday that baby's head is engaged now and she had also moved back to back - bloody grr, I delivered my DD that way and I've nothing to compare it to but the labour WAS hell. And I usually don't walk more than a few steps without feeling her head do nasty things to me. Sometimes I can ignore it but mostly I make funny faces!
Yep id say its pretty normal hun, thats how ive been for a few weeks now x
thanks all. if he gets any lower he will drop out. lol.

was just odd. suddenly felt like yesterday i was very pregnant and was ready to have him. which sounds silly cos he is my 1st so dont know what it feels like. to me though cos of the period pain and bh all day i was thinking oh god. dont get worse its too early. xxx
I had had the periody pain for a couple days bow but nothing else. Maybe my baby is refusing to engage! X
Yeah I posted about periody ish pains yest feel the same & like Im going to wee myself even when i dont need a wee like something needs to come out lol I asked MW this morning & she said its normal just baby burrowing further down :s sounds awful!x
thanks vicxzy. such an odd feeling. gonna have some lunch in a min and do some housework. feeling abit better ish today but no doubt doing housework will make it all start again.

makes me so lazy. too much pressure when i do stuff. xxx
thanks vicxzy. such an odd feeling. gonna have some lunch in a min and do some housework. feeling abit better ish today but no doubt doing housework will make it all start again.

makes me so lazy. too much pressure when i do stuff. xxx

lol ur right i was in Tesco b4 & I was convinced she would fall out any minute in the middle of the gravy aisle :shock: x
Awww i totally know how you feel. I went to see my Consultant today and i asked if period pains were normal and he said yes its just braxton hicks...i thought your belly was meant to go hard though! I do get movements which makes my belly go hard but thats it. I wouldn't worry, i know how uncomfy it is though :( xxx
pmsl at the gravy aisle. that would be far too funny. xxx
Awww i totally know how you feel. I went to see my Consultant today and i asked if period pains were normal and he said yes its just braxton hicks...i thought your belly was meant to go hard though! I do get movements which makes my belly go hard but thats it. I wouldn't worry, i know how uncomfy it is though :( xxx
Thats exactly what I was saying on my period pains post last night! My belly doesnt go hard that i notice but the period pains r def there :( pretty constant too x

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