Feeds....every hour but only for 5-10 mins?!


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2011
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As above....when we1st brought austin home he was feedin for 20mins to an hr each time n going 2-3 hrs inbetween.
i know mayb he had t spend more time suckin as opposed t now where is gushes out straight away....but during the day:
Im feeding for 20mins every 1-2 hrs

And througout the night:
Only 5-10mins every hour-its killin me...we were up7times last night!!

He coming off thr bready naturally as if hes had enouhh n dropping t sleep on me before I put him bk in the moses.

Anyone elses baby like this n do u have a way t cope or tips/explanations??


joy xx
I still get this now in the day times. The nights will stretch out trust me! You will get some bad nights obviously. Buy wait until he first goes a few hours you'll wake up before him all wet! It'll be a shock. I wanted to poke Tyler to check he was ok lol! You're doing great :)

Hi sounds like he may just be getting foremilk and then not continuing to suck to het the filling hindmilk. Have you tried winding him after and then putting him back on? Also you could express the foremilk off and then he'll get the hindmilk straight away. I understand this isn't ideal but may help him feel fuller for longer. Is there a bf support you can go to as if his latch isn't quite right he might not be getting the let down properly and then just gives up? They would check this for you. Newborns do feed.very frequently in the beginning to establish your supply but I would of thought he does need to feed for longer each time. Also do you offer the same boob? When f had some green nappies and fed for 5 mins on one boob I would offer that boob first at next feed in hope it would be hibdmilk she'd get. Hope something in that ramble helps! Xx
It's sounds like a growth spurt they have them at certain ages and 2 weeks is the first one. Isla fed and fed and fed during that spurt and I was so tired. This is usually when parents resort to a bottle but keep feeding if you're up for it, laze around. The washing cleaning etc will wait just keep feeding.

Make sure you're drinking enough as if your intake is rubbish so will the milk, get hubby to take him a walk after a feed today and see if you could stretch it out a bit. Keep going you're doing a great job!! xxx

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yeah MW said I should b prepared for a growth spurt. im determined not t give up...just frustrates me wth the shortfeeds....cus then I know ill b up in an hr.
BF support sed his latch is good n he is a good feeder...I always check forfull cheeks n double chin.

I try puttin him bk on but hes always so drowsy/sleepy he isnt fussed...mayb i should wind him t wake hkm up a bit n try same boob again. I always do alternate boobs....if hes had a proper feed.... but if hes only had5mins...I go bk to same boob to get the middle n end part of the feed x

got such a headache tday from broken sleep x
I was told by the midwife if he's feeding more than once in the same hour, stick to the same side.

When he falls asleep change his nappy to wake him or strip him down to his vest for more skin contact
Give his feet a little play to nudge him into suckling again

Does he have a dummy? It sounds like he is suckling for comfort every hour rather than hunger. A dummy would do this and push him on for feeds. Paediatrics advised on dummy for theo as he was starting to suckle for comfort.
I have been having the exact same issues with Emily (now 14 days). We found she had 100% Tongue tie that was preventing her from feeding effectively. We had the Tongue tie divided on Thursday and touch wood there seems to have ben some improvement in her ability to feed for slightly longer periods, although I still think we have a way to go. Might be worth seeing whether your LO has a similar issue.

Good luck! Xx

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