

Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
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So I'm planning on breastfeeding but as this is my first I'm obviously apprehensive something goes wrong I.e I can't/baby doesn't latch ok etc etc.

Should I buy bottles etc just incase I can't fully breastfeed or just hope for the best and if I can't get hubby to run to the shops when babies here? I'm not even sure what to buy bottle wise if I did buy some stuff - obviously don't want to buy loads that won't get used


I didn't buy anything beforehand. We struggled in the first few days and my lb lost a lot of weight so I was advised to top up. My husband went and bought a breast pump, bottles and steriliser (after a quick Google research) the next day.
Like you I had no clue what I'd need so I just hoped I wouldn't need them. This time round I feel more confident about breastfeeding, I'm aware it might not be easy again but I won't be afraid to ask for help (turned out my baby was tongue tied) x
I didn't buy anything last time. It prevented me from having them in easy reach when things got hard (because they will, at some point!). On the basis that if I did desperately need some, tesco is 24hrs, it's big enough to have everything I needed, so hubby could go out at 3am if it got THAT bad.

Good luck with everything though, and all the best with your breastfeeding goal. It's so worth it when you get past the first few weeks! Xx
I am hoping to try bf and have brought bottles and all that. I have not yet got a pump as been advised not to till you know you can bf as they are a lot of money. Plus they like you to have bf established before moving or using bottles. I got the bottles as even if I can bf I will express so hubby can feed her and I'm thinking I might combination feed her aswell. This of course is just a plan as she not here yet but I also got the tommy tipped prep machine just incase. It was all in the sale. Both it as are normally 120 and they was 60 each so I got them. If I don't use them il just sell them. For me I'd rather have them and be prepared but I'm a little of a control freak and like everything here in hands reach. X
Thanks for everyone's help! We live close to a 24 hour asda so you are right tigger87 - if need be hubby could pop down there!! I really hope it goes well - I'm not the type to give up and appreciate it will be difficult xx
I didn't buy anything and I bf my daughter when she was first born I hand expressed and syringe fed extra as she was jaundice so very sleepy xx

With my DS i was going to bf but I also bought the tommee tippee bottles & steriliser in case the bf didnt work. For various reasons i had to stop bf after 3 weeks but due to my son having bad reflux the TT bottles i had bought were no good and we had to buy ones suitable for colic and reflux (Dr Brown's were amazing!) so the TT were a waste of money.
This time I havent bought any bottles or steriliser. Im hoping the bf will work but if it doesnt, I have bought 2 boxes of 'Aptamil First Infant milk Starter Pack' which you dont need to sterilise and are disposable. This should tie us over until we buy the bottles and steriliser etc. Also, by that time we should know what type of bottles to buy. Hope that all made sense lol! Good luck:) x
If you need anything I'd go for the Mam bottles, you can get them in boots and they sterilise in the microwave without needing a steriliser.

But I never had anything before the birth with mine. First baby didn't have any formula or bottles til around 10 weeks, second baby never had bottles or formula at all.

There's no need to buy anything in advance, if you have trouble in the first few days the best thing you can do is see an IBCLC or breastfeeding supporter and if you need to give something, hand express and give the colostrum or milk off your finger, a clean spoon, a syringe (like the tiny medicine syringes you get for babies), or if you are in hospital you can ask to use a feeding cup. They should know what you mean (they look like this https://www.medela.com/dam/medela-c.../medela-feeding-babycup-disposable-feeder.jpg )
I originally wanted to bf but due to having a breast lift & enlargement there's no guarantee that my milk ducts have reattached after the surgery. I still wanted to give it a go but also knew I'd need bottles etc just incase. I've now decided though I'm going to bottle feed. I know from others bf can be stressful & I don't deal with things well if they don't go to plan so to save a lot of stressing out I've opted to bottle feed. Also means fiancé can feed too & do his share of the night feeds!!

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