Feeding problems HELP!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
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My LO was born at 37 +5 weeks and was in scbu for 5 days. Hes been struggling to put on weight even though he is upping his milk. He takes over an hour sometimes just to have 3-4 ounces and takes a good hour and half to settle after. He makes gulping, gasping noises during feeding and for a long time after and will sometimes choke whilst feeding. We struggle to get up his wind and he always has more after we have winded him. He is only comfortable on our chest, his front or his side and cries when on his back. We are on Gaviscon infant and have changed teats etc but he is still suffering and I am exhausted. Does this sound like silent reflux? and can I get anymore help?????
yeh tried infacol and dentinox colic drops. xxx
SOunds like harry as a little baby, we use infacol and wind him 3 or 4 times every feed and he is like a different baby!!
I was going to say try gripe water but I think babies have to be over a month old to have it xxx
I know you mentioned you have changed teats, but which ones do you use? Have you tried Slow flow? What formula is LO taking? Some formulas are better with certain teats.

My LO was gulping and gasping on Avents number 1 Newborn teats, Cow and Gate advised that the formula she is on she is better with Avent Variflow or number 2 teats. I tried the Variflow and these made her gulping and gasping worse. Tried number 2's and these are perfect.

However she does have silent reflux. Does your LO arch ther back? Fight at the bottle? Cry for no reason for hours on end? X
lyssa gulps n chokes sometimes cos shes greedy, i try to wind her every oz or so cos shes sick if she has trapped wind under milk, especially if its a formula feed
how long did you use the infacol for??? It can take up to 3 days to get into their system and start working properly xxx
I trid infacol for 2 days but used dentinox colic drops for a week with no change. Have tried the teats from scbu, boots own variflow 0+ teats, level 2 teats and now are on the dr browns 0+level 1 teats. The dr browns seem better but its still a struggle. x

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