Feeding expressed milk...help please!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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I expressed this morning and want to try feeding it to LO via bottle tonight to see if he'll take bottle so I can introduce one bottle feed a day so I can go out of an evening (I was adamant I wouldnt do this I hate expressing with a passion but realised it might be for my own good!) it's currently sitting in the fridge...

Now my question is...I'm guessing I can't serve it to LO cold straight out of a fridge? Do I need to heat it up? Or leave it at room temp? Help!

We have found it can be given straight form the fridge, but Logan prefers it a bit warmer. If we have time we let it sit on the bench for about 30 mins to bring to room temp, if we are in a hurry we put it in a bowl of hot water for about 5 minutes with an occasion swish around to speed up heating.

Yup, depends on baby's preference...you can serve it our of the fridge if LO will take it. Sam will have room temp no problem, but sometimes I'll put the bottle in a jub of boiling water to heat through.

You'll probably do yourself a favour serving cold/room temp if LO will take it as they'll will get used to it and save you time in future.

L xx
I would be tempted to see if LO will take it straight from the fridge - then you won't have to faff about with heating it each time.

Valentine Xxx
Eva has a bottle of EBM every evening before bed, I put it in a bowl of warm water before I get her ready/bath etc which just takes the chill off it by the time she drinks it x
We put the bottle in a bowl of hot water. Swirl rather than shake the milk.
Thanks guys! :hug: :hug: I read all of your replies before I fed him...didn't have a chance to post. He took the bottle well at room temp...cos I guess if we go out with a bottle I guess that would be at room temp, and he took it well. The other thing was he slept last night the longest he's ever slept at night...is that just coincidence???
:cheer: Glad it worked!!

I don't know, but sometimes I think I get more out of my boobs than Evie does when I express, so maybe you managed to get a bit more out when you expressed which filled him for longer!


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