Feeding Evie

Hi Dannii,

I know you can do this! The fact you are here and still posting and so keen is 99% of the battle - you're going to be a b/feeding pro soon!

I think its absolutely CRUCIAL you get some help from b/feeding support - either someone to come and visit you or to go to a cafe. I think that in order to succeed with breastfeeding this is so so important for you, I can't stress that enough. I've had a google and this is what I can find (bearing in mind English geography is NOT my stronge point and you may be better doing your own research!)

La Leche League group in Bedfordshire
Find your nearest Baby Cafe (What is a Baby Cafe?)
www.bedsheartlandspct.nhs.uk/Documents/Stafflines/Stafflines%2520Jul%25202003.pdf+breastfeeding+support+bedfordshire&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=15&gl=uk]Bedfordshire breastfeeding support[/url] (scroll down to page 2). This is old doc from 2003, but it states that at that time there were six breastfeeding support groups and drop-in groups across Bedfordshire health area - worth asking if these still exist?
Breastfeeding Support Centre, Bedford

Its definitely also worth calling the NCT breastfeeding support line, who will put you in touch with local NCT breastfeeding counsellors who can advise you on local support and come to your home and help you.

I remember that feeling of not wanting DD to feed either and hoping she'd just forget about it and carry on sleeping! However, in a few weeks, I wanted to feed her more (she was never a hungry baby) as I really really enjoyed it and wanted to do it more!

I am furious with the support you have been given by the NHS. I would have been so angry if someone had dared to feed my baby formula, and I wasn't even given the choice? This makes me very angry and mistrusting and I wouldn't let that lie. Do you think they just did that because you are young (no excuse though). I did find out, via my research, that Bedfordshire does or did have the lowest breastfeeding rate in England, and I'm not surprised if thats the support they give you?

As for your brother, I think it is absolutely vital that you get everyone in your family on side and aware of your goal to breastfeed Evie and make them aware that actions like his are NOT helpful. I would be tempted to, if not throw the formula and bottle feeding paraphenalia away, then hide it and pretend its not there.

Be careful with expressing so early on, you may be fine, but its really not advised until a few more weeks in so as to establish your milk supply properly. Also, make sure you know the correct guidelines for storing milk - I kept mine for up to 3 days in the fridge. The best information is here - clicky.

Sorry if all this sounds grumpy and preachy, its really not meant to be. I feel like a cheerleader on the sidelines and I soooo want you to succeed with it as I think you will be a natural in a couple of weeks and just love breastfeeding once you've got it cracked. You do need to be quite strict with yourself to succeed, I think, and put a number of measures in place to make that happen - its so worth it. I think you are doing brilliantly to date.

Valentine Xxx
Hi Dannii keep at it hun it will (and does) get better.

I had a dodgy start with Chloe too. Chloe didn't do a poo for 4 days after leaving the hospital - she did one in the hospital before we were discharged. I phoned the helpline and they suggested cool boiled water which didn't help, she eventually went but then it was another week before she went again. The MW and HV then started to blame me, saying that she wasn't latching properly, therefore not being fed properly :(

I was really upset as I thought I was doing well :( I was told that I had to get more of my areola(sp) into her mouth - my argument was she only had a little mouth and couldn't fit more in her mouth. I tried for 2 days and night to get more in her mouth until a new MW came out to see me (who was really supportive) she watched me feed and said that I was doing fine - she commented on my big nipples (like you say you have!) and said that Chloe couldn't manage more in her mouth! She said that we are not all text book cases so can't all feed text book. She sat with me and massaged Chloe's tummy and around her bottom hole and she has been a lot more regular since.

I was all ready to give up and bottle feed but am glad that I perservered now. It's hard and she is feeding lots all the time (especially during the night which is hard, but I know that it's not going to be forever). I am co-sleeping too as it is so much easier plus I can get Chloe latched on before she screams and wakes Jacob up!! I don't know how long I should do it for as I don't want to get into the situation of her being older still in with us!!

I hope that it gets easier for you hun, sending you hugs :hug:

How did the weekend go Dannii? I've been thinking about you.

Valentine Xxx
Hey Dannii!

I hope its not too late now, but I thought Id reply just incase you are still reading these.

I had an awful time with BFing,

but am still going strong at nearly 6 weeks! :cheer:

I used Ibuprofen and paracetomol together for the pain.

LANSINOH is the only cream that worked for me - I cant tell you how good it was! I wish I had just bought it in the first place, instead of trying to save money and buying cheaper ones first, then eventually caving in as everyone said it was so good. They were right!

I found a 'sleep bra' for nursing was excellent as it was a lot softer and thinner while the old nips were agony - you can get them on the internet pretty easily. meant it was great and easy for whipping the boobies in an out to air them etc.

I couldnt get the hang of the nip sheilds at all. Think I needed someone to show me.

I got a really good expresser (Medela Swing) and usually once a day at around 10.30pm I give a bottle feed, to give me nips a break. Its great to get them on a bottle early too, as they can learn to go between boob and bottle easily. My mate has left it too long now (10 weeks) and her baby wont take a bottle. I find mentally its a great break too - I look forward to the bottle feed when me nips are hurting!

Hope you are getting on ok, PM me anytime xxxxx
Thank you ladies!! Thank you so much for those links Valentine, they were really helpful! I've contacted a support group nearby who will get back to me with times and days etc!

She hasn't had formula since 3am Wednesday morning!! :cheer: Nipple shields and Lansinoh are god sends!!!

Thank you SO much for all the support this week ladies, you're all fab :hug: xxx
dannii87 said:
She hasn't had formula since 3am Wednesday morning!! :cheer: Nipple shields and Lansinoh are god sends!!!

Congratulations!! :hug:
Yay! That's a week now! So proud of you Dannii - keep up the good work. You've done one of the hardest parts now.

Valentine Xxx
dannii87 said:
Thank you ladies!! Thank you so much for those links Valentine, they were really helpful! I've contacted a support group nearby who will get back to me with times and days etc!

She hasn't had formula since 3am Wednesday morning!! :cheer: Nipple shields and Lansinoh are god sends!!!

Thank you SO much for all the support this week ladies, you're all fab :hug: xxx

well done honey - i'm sooooo pleased for you, and very proud too :) :) :)

:hug: :hug: :hug:

just an aside - nipple shields are frowned upon because they can have an effect on your supply. i have never had this problem, although i did get really paranoid about it in the early days. i don't know which ones you're using but i've found the mam ones to be the best cos they stick to my boobs really well (great for co-sleeping :D); i don't like the medela ones as i think they cover too much boob therefore could possibly cause a supply issue.

hopefully you won't need to keep using them anyway - much as i think they're brilliant and wouldn't be feeding without them, they're still a bit of a faff when you're out and about, trying to stick them on whilst wrestling with a hungry wriggly baby and trying to remain discreet.

anyhow, i digress! congratulations honey, it sounds like you're past the hardest part - hugs to you and evie :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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