Fed up!


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Only 8 weeks but am fed up, always feel sick and the only stuff I want to eat is bad stuff it is so frustrating and I have the worst spots ever in my life along my jawline and cheeks!!

Feeling sorry for myself as I seem to be getting all the nasty things like tiredness, piles and nausea and still have til the 14th to wait for the scan aragh!!!!:wall2:
You poor thing. I know exactly how you feel. I haven't been able to walk very far, do anything and I hate all food. The only thing I could eat was bad stuff like cake and biscuits, bread and potatos. Even though I was eating this I seemed to loose weight, so you may be suprised. Very strange.

It is so hard isn't it. Not to make you feel worse but I have been like it for 8 weeks now. You have really got to chill out as I think it stresses you out when you are fed up and just want to get better. And when you stress I think it can make you feel worse. Easy to say.

If you can, as small walk a day helps build strength. Lots of sleep. I also found that eating lots at mealtimes made me feel better then snacking on bits. Lots of carbs, and don't feel bad about it. You have to do what you can else this whole thing can get you down.

Murry mints are really subtle and good to take away the taste in the mouth. I also found some ginger chew sweets in the health shop.

Basically, its a case of eat what you can and what you fancy, chill out and wait. So unfair isn't it.

Best of luck.
bless you it is horrible and like you really hope its goes before 2nd trimester i have also found stucky on mints helps!!!
hope you feel better soon, i really cant wait till i can eat a normal meal xx
for the sickness keep eating i found mine was better the more i ate i just snacked all thru the day i also get very bad spots have since first wk of pregnancy and still going strong
I always think the first weeks are the worst, you have the worry that everything is ok and in most cases the sicky feeling, then you dont want to eat or all you want to eat is crap! Things will get better they really will :hug:
I felt like all I did for 10 weeks was eat and sleep x I couldn't even manage the school run! x x now I feel sooooo much better (though did have morning sickness relapse at 13 weeks) and I'm now enjoying going for walks and taking DD swimming x it does get better even though it feels like it never will!
Thanks girls for the replies feeling a bit better in terms of food so will just ride the storm it wil all be worth it in the end!!
Aww I know how you feel about the spots!
I work as a beauty consultant and am finding it sooo hard to give good skincare advice knowing that my skin looks a mess right now! Don't really wanna go telling all my customers just yet but I feel like they won't take my advice when they notice the state of my face :(

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