Fed up :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2009
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I'm just fed up :( Top it all off, I'll be without the internet for A WEEK as of tomorrow and I could shoot someone.

I also feel sick and just really hacked off. And I'm going to miss you all for a week - HOW many posts will there be!?! :shock:

Rant off. Sorry for moaning...suppose at least Grey's Anatomy starts again tomorrow, so between that and Brothers and Sisters, Big Bang Theory and (hopefully) some new Blu Rays arriving from Amazon, I'll have SOMEthing to keep me busy :rofl:

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Thats not on that like! We'll miss you xx
A week without internet makes me bald and nailless.

You'll be back before you know it :love:
Awww Toffe we'll miss you :( hurry back xx

Well is the internet sorted yet?
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Its been a while like! Where are you lady!! xx
:wave::wave: Hello! Am back now.:dance::dance::dance: Our new internet provider was super-fast (unfortunately it's BT but hey-ho, we have very little choice here at the moment for some stupid reason...) in installing our new service but was busy yesterday with dentist etc. so didn't really get a chance to log on.

How's you all?

I said initially I was fed up cos I was sick. Which is true. I am STILL unwell - week 3 of the cold fully under way and let me tell you all I'm a miserable boot with it :whistle: :):):) Anyhow, at least I have my net back on!

I'm trying to catch up with what's been happening but doubt I'll get to post a lot of answers as there have been thousands of posts since I was last on...

Hope you're all well, ladies! :wave:
Didn't see this thread...gah! Thanks ladies - am very happy to have the internet back.

I just need some motivation now...today I am mostly sitting in my pyjamas, arsing around online, listening to the rain and laughing at the husband...that poor keyboard of his . I wonder what it did to be punished so? (he two-finger types and kills the keys :rofl: )

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