fed up, no 1 else understands


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2011
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Except any one else who is / has gone over! Hope you don't mind ne having a lil rant here as I feel ppl don't understand, how could they? I didn't, I couldn't understand before why overdue ladies got fed up and angry, its only a few days, a few weeks right? Wrong. Everyday I wake up with no signs what so ever , feel like my heart has been ripped out as I've been waiting for sooooooo long! Hormones make me insane, im a crazy person! Every body and everything angers me. I'm not allowed to go anywhere 'just in case' and get a barrage of call each day from parents etc asking if anything is happening, if I try to ignore calls i get more as they assume I'm in labour! I know ppl are being nice and truthful when saying aw it won't be long buy even that annoys me. I realise he will be here when he is ready I just wish he was ready now!! I love my bans so much and feel myself getting jealous of every baby I see and anyone having their baby when usually I would be so happy for them. I'm going mad!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
And breathe
See even those bloody typos ( I love my baba, not bans you stupid ass phone) make me want to throw my phone against the wall :-(
MASSIVE :hugs:

Sorry that's all I can offer, I am dreading if little man goes over :(
Thank you :) sometimes a hug is just right lol!
I'm sure you'll be ok, ill cross my fingers you will be on time!
Ah hun, im not even over yet but already have people texting and ringing asking if there is any sign and tellin me how excited they are! I don't think people realise that if something was happening that you would have more than likely let them know!! I also don't understand why if you don't answer then they ring and ring again because if you were in labour you couldn't answer.
Big hug hun xx xx
Yeah steffy exactly! If something finally happened I would ring them straight away!! I know ppl are just excited, but feel like a parrot telling them no nothing is happening, yes baby is ok, and I know he will come when ready. I should make a tape of that to play lol, my answer machine haha xxx
I'd do it, if it makes you feel better then do it lol :)
Arrrrr Kayelle, we where due on the same day hun and this is gonna sound mad, my gorgeous little man arrived on wed as you know a week late, but I am kind of jealous of you! I want to do it all again, it's the best moment of your life and you have it to come, you will only understand this madness I'm typing when your baba is here! I know it can't possibly make sense right now, but it will in a few days.......and then you will wnat a time machine to go back and relive it all.....life is just unfair like that, we can't win. Enjoy every last kick from the tummy hun and know your magic moment is just about to come :) ....have they given you a date for induction, is it monday ?
:hug: I went 15 days over with my LO and I felt the same as you. The only advise I can give is try and spend the time relaxing and enjoying some you time, make sure you have something to do each day, even stupid stuff like paint your nails or make a cake. I refused to answer the phone during the last week which drove people crazy but I didn't care. You WILL meet your LO soon and then time will fly by. x
Yeah steffy exactly! If something finally happened I would ring them straight away!! I know ppl are just excited, but feel like a parrot telling them no nothing is happening, yes baby is ok, and I know he will come when ready. I should make a tape of that to play lol, my answer machine haha xxx

Maybe make it ur answerphone for a day and see if people get the hint! I totally feel for you, we live 50m away from our inlaws and MIL asks everyday if theres any sign. Well no love, if there was a sign i prob wouldnt be up and answering the door.... id be on my way to the hospital!
Keep ur chin up, ull soon be holding your LO xx
feel sorry for you hun, but if they ring or text you again say ' right dont bother text or ring me again til i ring you as i am fed up of repeating myself if there is any news i will inform you. If you keep pestering me i will turn my phone off and let you wait it out no point in coming down i wont answer the door' simple i did it. am 34 weeks today and already my family asking if baby is on its way. am like am 34 weeks got 6 weeks left ask me then. they live 150 miles north of me thankfully they cant just turn up this time lol x x x
Thanks helly I sorta see what you mean as I'm looking forward to it so much! You kinda reminded me that I'm actually having a baby , it is gonna happen as I kinda forgot! Strange as it sounds lol just started to believe it ain't happening as I got no more counting down lol.
August I have my cross stitch baby sampler which is keeping me sane, even if I cry when I miss count a stitch haha! Keeping the house clean just incase helps too, and glad I'm not the only one who doesn't wanna answer the phone lol!
Sounds like a plan tabbi!! Yeah your family are jumping the gun a bit at 34 weeks lol, hope for your sanity you font go over lol
i went excatly a week with my daughter so i know your stress i wanted her out and to meet her, this time i can switch me fone off and relax, my family can wait my mum n dad have 4 grandchildren already its the first for my Oh family and its his family that are sane apart from them spending a fortune on baby and my daughter lol x x x
Aw bet they are excited! First on my side too so mum is v excited lol z x
yeah they are, they wanted grandchildren for over 12 years and now finally getting one, just one for the time been x x x
Aww Hun!

I keep getting those calls too - my dad keeps ringing from work every day, which is verrrry odd!

Think of it like this though, in literally a matter of days you'll have your LO with you :)
Thanks crackers :) my normal self knows that, but hormonal angry sad crazy me believes I'm not having a baby after all and its a big joke! Felt sick this morning but turned out I just needed a massive fart :-(
Oh hon I completely feel your pain. I went 11 days over last time, it was sheer hell. All the phonecalls asking if anything was happening drove me up the wall. The worst thing was when I was out and people would ask "Haven't you had the baby yet?". Clearly I hadn't! Apparently "Are you f-ing stupid" is not an appropriate response to that question!! But by that time I just didn't care who I offended, I was uncomfortable and fed up and everyone was going to hear about it!

Have you been given a date to be induced? From my experience that is the most wonderful day, knowing the end is imminent!

Sending you a massive :hug: and a virtual medal for being a trooper and being pregnant forever!

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