********February 2019 mummies*********

I've woken up to really bad cramps on my left hand side - to the point where they're taking my breath away.

I really hope this is just something normal :( I'm really worried now
I've woken up to really bad cramps on my left hand side - to the point where they're taking my breath away.

I really hope this is just something normal :( I'm really worried now

I dont know much about early pregnancy, but id go and get yourself checked out. Thinking of you x
Hi all

I’ve just found out in pregnant this morning. Due roughly 19th feb but I think I will have an early c section. We have one older DD who’s just turned 10 and this baby is a complete surprise! Can’t eait to tell my daughter she will be over the moon. She’s always asking for a sibling and we’ve always been the “no chance, think again” type!!
I’m wondering if I’m having implantation bleeding? Last night and today it is very light pink and just when I wipe. I never had a bleed with dd so no idea if it’s that lol
Oh Mystery I hope that’s all it is! It does sound more like IB to me. Have you taken another test?
Welcome smoosmoo!

Donna how are you feeling now?

Mystery how are things now? Hopefully its just implantation bleeding!

I feel odd today very few symptons and it makes me feel like im not pregnant! Trying not to worry as my symptons are very up and down anyway and the only thing that is consistent is my boobs hurting! Although im constantly prodding them to check they hurt lol!
Everyday feels like a week there is no way i will be able to wait till 12 weeks for my scan!
I’m wondering if I’m having implantation bleeding? Last night and today it is very light pink and just when I wipe. I never had a bleed with dd so no idea if it’s that lol

Was it heavy the first time? I had a little bit of spotting and it went away. Freaked me out too! Are you having bad cramps? I'm hoping it's just implantation! Keep us updated
I've woken up to really bad cramps on my left hand side - to the point where they're taking my breath away.

I really hope this is just something normal :( I'm really worried now

I would go get checked if you can <3 Praying for you!
Not heavy super light just a bit of pink on the paper, I am still cramping like I have been all week think it&#8217;s just bub getting snug lol
Haven't really had chance to get checked out but I have no bleeding and the cramps stopped. Bit embarrassing but I have had a couple of really hard poos today so I'm wondering if I was a little constipated. I've not been going to the toilet as much as I usually do - so that could be it. I'll keep an eye on things anyway and see how I get on
Donna- taking extra magnesium has really helped with the constipation issue. It’s not 100% back to normal but it’s like 90% better.
Oh my god I am exhausted and so irritable today. My mind is so scattered and I feel completely overwhelmed by everything. Plus nursing my toddler feels like sandpaper rubbing on a sunburn, my nipples hurt so much!
Tested again today looks good so I guess it was implantation lol been no bleeding since so I feel better, oh and I threw up for the first time this morning so I guess things are progressing


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Tested again today looks good so I guess it was implantation lol been no bleeding since so I feel better, oh and I threw up for the first time this morning so I guess things are progressing

Great news Mystery!

Kholl im so exhausted as well i dont know how you manage to look after a toddler and feel like this! I just struggle to through a day at work at the moment!
Donna- taking extra magnesium has really helped with the constipation issue. It’s not 100% back to normal but it’s like 90% better.

Thank you I should look into that - I wouldn't say I was constipated as such as I'm still going - just it's not as often as I used to and my poo's are a lot harder. No more cramps today though so that was good

Oh my god I am exhausted and so irritable today. My mind is so scattered and I feel completely overwhelmed by everything. Plus nursing my toddler feels like sandpaper rubbing on a sunburn, my nipples hurt so much!

Ahh bless you that sounds horrible

Tested again today looks good so I guess it was implantation lol been no bleeding since so I feel better, oh and I threw up for the first time this morning so I guess things are progressing

Great news :)

I haven't actually been sick yet and really hoping I don't. With my son I was only sick a handful of times so fingers crossed it'll be the same if not even less with this one.
I still have brown discharge when I wipe. So i called the hospital yesterday and they have me booked in for an early scan. I hope all is ok!
Fingers crossed bubbles, how far along are you?

When is your scan? I'm sure everything will be fine if it's brown

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