********February 2019 mummies*********

So as of today looks like I’m joining you guys :-D

I’ll be due right at the end of Feb, early March


Welcome <3 how did you find out your :bfp:

I had been testing daily for the past week and then didn’t bother yesterday. We got home and I tested on a cheapy and thought I could see a line,y hubby saw it too so we raced down to Tesco and got a more expensive one and boom the line appeared haha

It feels so so surreal!
So as of today looks like I’m joining you guys :-D

I’ll be due right at the end of Feb, early March


Welcome <3 how did you find out your :bfp:

I had been testing daily for the past week and then didn’t bother yesterday. We got home and I tested on a cheapy and thought I could see a line,y hubby saw it too so we raced down to Tesco and got a more expensive one and boom the line appeared haha

It feels so so surreal!

aw this just made me smile! im thrilled for you both <3
So wonderful, Frankenstein!

I hope Phillipa is doing ok?

How are all my February mamas feeling? I am 8 weeks today and I have been STARVING. I can’t believe how much I’m eating! Nausea is better overall but still there from time to time. Also I’m tired!
^^Glad the nausea isn't too bad

My nausea has been bad today, then I had a bleed earlier on in the day too - went to the doctor who did an examination and said my cervix is closed and he can't see any problems with it, he's also booked me in for a scan tomorrow morning to check everything is okay.
Ugh Donna those stupid bleeds are so stressful:( aim sorry. God your cervix is closed, and I have a good feeling that your scan will show a healthy baby!

My nausea got so bad after I posted that- of course!
Hi ladies....I've just about squeezed in on the Feb 2019 thread. Second time around for me, but nearly 2 years of ttc this time round, which has been hard! We have literally just had our initial bloods done before IVF so just over the moon, and keeping everything crossed for a straightforward pregnancy. I need to crack on and see the docs, as I need to be under consultant care due to pre-eclampsia in my first pregnancy.
I'm still having a hard time with the nausea and sickness and total exhaustion. I have managed to get through birthday parties, school concerts, graduations etc.. tomorrow is prom and then the kids are off school and I can finally relax and try to help myself by resting a little and having to show face for every event.
I don't know about you girls but wearing a bra at the moment really hurts me and my boobs ache like crazy!
It's to be 27/28 degrees next few days and I'm dreading that as the heat makes me worse.
I'm just a ball of fun at the moment ...not. I promise I will be more fun once this sickness stage has passed

I&#8217;m still feeling great aside from throwing up once and one bout of nausea I&#8217;ve had none of the symptoms I had lasttime lol (yet)
Scan went well; def a heartbeat and only one bean in there. I have a cyst on one of my ovaries that I think I've had for years but they will be keeping an eye on with my scans too. I'm 3 days behind what I thought I was (which is actually further along than I really thought as I'd based 7 weeks on my period but thought I'd ovulated 4 days later)

I feel so tired and nauseous today though, if I were at home I would go for a nap
Glad to hear you are still feeling ok mystery. I thought I was going to get away with it this time as I felt quite good at the start bit then this creeped up on me over the weeks. I'm 8 weeks today so hopefully only a few more weeks and then will get better.

Donna that's great glad to hear the scan went well xx
Welcome, Gemsy!! So glad you got that natural BFP and didn't have to do IVF!

Lynsey, I really hope things start to settle for you soon - do you remember when you started feeling better in your previous pregnancies?

Donna, yay! I'm so glad that you got that scan and that all looks well. Bleeding is just so frightening, and yet so common.

Mystery, glad you're having an easy time so far! My nausea is still very, very mild compared to what many women experience, and it comes and goes. My biggest issue is moodiness/irritability.

Still getting lots of stretching cramps, and my nipples hurt when my daughter nurses. I have my first midwife appointment 2 weeks from tomorrow, I'll be 10+2, I heard a heartbeat (via doppler) with my first at just 10 weeks so I wonder if they'll try to listen then. I will feel much better once we hear it.
I know, such a relief to see baby's heartbeat. Means I now know we're only having one and it's not eptopic as well - which sounds daft but I was worried about that with some of the pains I've had. I think that was my cyst causing the pains.

I have felt so sick today and so unbelievably tired. I could have napped at work but I powered on through, haven't walked the dog today but to be honest he's a tiny thing and I think it's way to hot for him anyway. I got in from work and I ended up napping on the sofa, husband got in and covered me in a blanket before cracking on with making tea for me bless him (this is after going to the shop to buy things he thought might make poo-ing easier for me)

I keep wanting to do more knitting but I don't have the energy at the moment :(
Congrats Gemsy!! That's wonderful news!! So happy for you! <3 Same to you Frankenstein! So glad to have you here! <3

Donna- that tiredness is rough, isn't it? I passed out on the couch yesterday after work. My 8 hour shifts, feel like 20 hour shifts now! Time drags and all I want to do is sleep. No nausea for me yet, which is nice I guess. haha

Kholl- hoping you get to hear that heartbeat soon! I know I can't wait to get there as well. Everything just drags until then!
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Thank you ladies :) I called the IVF clinic earlier to tell them we wouldn't need our next appointment....I could have cried, I was so happy. Have all the usual worries now, but I am trying to just have a 'what will be, will be' attitude, as I know getting stressed won't help. I have booked in for an early private scan for next week. We did it with our first, and it was such a reassurance to see that little bean, it seems forever to wait until 12 weeks!

Also booked in for my 'high risk' pregnancy with the consultants so just waiting for that appointment to come through.

Wanting to get through this first trimester as my belly already seems to have popped....I showed quite early with my first, and seem to be going the same way this time. At the same time, I'm not wanting to wish any months away, as I enjoyed pregnancy a lot the first time round, and it really is such a special time (although challenging too!), and something I have missed so much!
I have just been for my routine scan on my ovary, (its routine) and all they could see was the sack still. She said there wouldnt be much growth over the 5 days, so im next in Friday next week. She was a little negative though, and told me that it could be a false pregnancy that why they book you back in for a following two weeks. Not really what i wanted to hear :(
I have just been for my routine scan on my ovary, (its routine) and all they could see was the sack still. She said there wouldnt be much growth over the 5 days, so im next in Friday next week. She was a little negative though, and told me that it could be a false pregnancy that why they book you back in for a following two weeks. Not really what i wanted to hear :(

How far along are you?

Did they do an internal or just a normal scan? I think it's quite rude of her to say that when you were in for the scan of your ovary and not that anyway.

I asked about if it was internal because when they tried to scan me over my tummy first she said all she could see was the sack as my womb was a little tilted - but that when she did the internal she found baby straight away.

Yours sounds like she was very insensitive, try not to worry and just wait for the next scan.
I have just been for my routine scan on my ovary, (its routine) and all they could see was the sack still. She said there wouldnt be much growth over the 5 days, so im next in Friday next week. She was a little negative though, and told me that it could be a false pregnancy that why they book you back in for a following two weeks. Not really what i wanted to hear :(

How far along are you?

Did they do an internal or just a normal scan? I think it's quite rude of her to say that when you were in for the scan of your ovary and not that anyway.

I asked about if it was internal because when they tried to scan me over my tummy first she said all she could see was the sack as my womb was a little tilted - but that when she did the internal she found baby straight away.

Yours sounds like she was very insensitive, try not to worry and just wait for the next scan.

It was an internal, but I just feel like everyone is being so negative, even the doctor who spoke to me regarding my scan said ‘I dont have a magic ball, so im going to book you in for your next scan, just incase somethng happens, as you are only 5/6 weeks, and things can happen’ I was like :mad: I also have a pregnancy cyst on my ovary which is 2cm. He told me not to worry about this. So now i have to wait until July 6th for my next scan. Thanks for the reply Donna x
I have just been for my routine scan on my ovary, (its routine) and all they could see was the sack still. She said there wouldnt be much growth over the 5 days, so im next in Friday next week. She was a little negative though, and told me that it could be a false pregnancy that why they book you back in for a following two weeks. Not really what i wanted to hear :(

How far along are you?

Did they do an internal or just a normal scan? I think it's quite rude of her to say that when you were in for the scan of your ovary and not that anyway.

I asked about if it was internal because when they tried to scan me over my tummy first she said all she could see was the sack as my womb was a little tilted - but that when she did the internal she found baby straight away.

Yours sounds like she was very insensitive, try not to worry and just wait for the next scan.

It was an internal, but I just feel like everyone is being so negative, even the doctor who spoke to me regarding my scan said ‘I dont have a magic ball, so im going to book you in for your next scan, just incase somethng happens, as you are only 5/6 weeks, and things can happen’ I was like :mad: I also have a pregnancy cyst on my ovary which is 2cm. He told me not to worry about this. So now i have to wait until July 6th for my next scan. Thanks for the reply Donna x

I really don't understand why professionals who are working with women in our situation don't have a bit more tact about them. The staff at the early pregnancy unit where I went were fantastic, I'm so sorry you didn't have a similar experience to mine.

Just remember you are still very early so they do sometimes struggle to find baby, be positive and ignore their negative comments. I know that's easier said than done but worrying until your scan won't do you any good. sending loads of love and hugs your way.

I also have a cyst on my left ovary - they're going to keep an eye on it but said it's nothing to worry about. They just need to make sure it doesn't get any bigger (I think I've had it for years as I was having scans a few years ago to keep an eye on it but we decided to stop as it was just staying the same size, they keep saying they can come and go but everytime I've had it checked it's been in the left and the same size so I think it's a long term resident of mine)
Hoping you get some good news Bubbles, its such a worrying time anyway without having to deal with insensitive people!
Bubbles I'm so sorry about that appointment and insensitive nurse. I really hope all is well and that it's just too early (which is almost definitely the case). Thinking of you.

How is everyone today? My nausea was bad the first few hours, but then I took a nap with my toddler and it seems to be a bit better, though I'm definitely having food aversions and the thought of eating certain things makes me gag. My first appointment is 2 weeks from today, it can't come soon enough, I am just dying to hear that heartbeat.

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