I have just been for my routine scan on my ovary, (its routine) and all they could see was the sack still. She said there wouldnt be much growth over the 5 days, so im next in Friday next week. She was a little negative though, and told me that it could be a false pregnancy that why they book you back in for a following two weeks. Not really what i wanted to hear
How far along are you?
Did they do an internal or just a normal scan? I think it's quite rude of her to say that when you were in for the scan of your ovary and not that anyway.
I asked about if it was internal because when they tried to scan me over my tummy first she said all she could see was the sack as my womb was a little tilted - but that when she did the internal she found baby straight away.
Yours sounds like she was very insensitive, try not to worry and just wait for the next scan.
It was an internal, but I just feel like everyone is being so negative, even the doctor who spoke to me regarding my scan said I dont have a magic ball, so im going to book you in for your next scan, just incase somethng happens, as you are only 5/6 weeks, and things can happen I was like

I also have a pregnancy cyst on my ovary which is 2cm. He told me not to worry about this. So now i have to wait until July 6th for my next scan. Thanks for the reply Donna x