Fav dinner/desserts


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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So whats everyone favourite food/desert during pregnancy?

Or does anyone have any strange craving if so list.............
Last time my favourite foods were cereal :lol:

I was also partial to McDonalds :blush: and chocolate :D
Mint chocolate!!!! Anything mint chocolate, biscuits, after eights, after eight McFlurries (oh they were the schnizzle!), mint hot chocolate. Not mint on it's own though, that would just be wrong :)
Althought I shouldnt eat it, I could eat carbonara every day and never ever be bored of it....its just so darn tasty! I had it 3 times one week!

Anything sugary as well....very much hooked on sugary things at the moment.
chocolattttee!!! cookies!! rich teas WITH tea.. donner kebabs! maccy's breakfast.. i could be here all day naming everything i like i'm such a fattie!! :blush:
def cereal with both of mine with ice cold milk and nutella sandwhiches!
I used to have huge boxes of cereal in my office and just eat massive bowls of it dry when I was sorting out my paperwork at the end of the day :lol:
With Dan I couldnt get enough of Burger King Bugers and wosits dipped in Yogurt.

With Dec it was curry chips and ice-pops.
I had an ice cold full sugar can of coke today and it was delectable..havent had it for years!
yummmmmmmm this thread is making me hungry lol

i havent had any strange cravings yet although i tend to eat things i normallly dont like which is quite strange lol

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