get to know each other

Here goes -

Fav song? It changes alot but at the mo. its. Daniel Powter - Bad Day.

Fav movie? The adventures of the wilderness family/ Titanic

Fav TV prog? Easttenders/Friends

Fav Dinner? My Mum's Christmas dinner/ Chinese food

Fav pudding? Cheescake

Fav snack? Original pringles with a sour cream and chive dip

Fav colour? Lilac

Fav number? 27

Pet hates? People who don't indicate while driving/ Arrogance

Fav past-time? Going to the movies/ going on holiday with my hubby.

Last night out? Last Friday I had a girls night in at a friends house (she's pregnant too!)

Last lay in? It was so long ago, I think it was about 1924!!

If you could have picked your own name, would you, and
if so, what would you have chosen? Something girlie & pretty sounding - not sure what tho!

Would you change anything about yourself,if so,what? My face/legs/bum/feet/hands- I could go on!! (feeling very ugly at the mo.)

Describe yourself in three words: Honest/generous/a bit mad!
Fav song? nething by Robbie Williams

Fav movie? Ghost

Fav TV prog? Lost

Fav Dinner? Nething with gravey at the moment

Fav pudding? Chocolate fudge cake

Fav snack? Fruit

Fav colour? Purple

Fav number? 69 :twisted:

Pet hates? Lier's and cheat's

Fav past-time? playing call of duty: united offence online(a 1st person shooter game)

Last night out? september 27th went out for a girlyy dinner as it was my 26th birthday

Last lay in? not getting ne sleep so can't really lay in :lol:

If you could have picked your own name, would you, and
if so, what would you have chosen? nah was hard enough chossing my girl's name's :lol:

Would you change anything about yourself,if so,what? I'd like to loss some weight after baby is born but wouldn't we all

Describe yourself in three words: Kind, friendly, fun
Fav song? Too many - HUGE music fan

Fav movie? Bridget Jones 1 and 2

Fav TV prog? Holby, 4400 or Afterlife

Fav Dinner? Indian takeaway

Fav pudding? anything with merigne (cant spell that)

Fav snack? pate on toast

Fav colour? pink

Fav number? 7

Pet hates? metal coathangers

Fav past-time? relaxing

Last night out? last weekend - meal for grandparents 60th Ann!!

Last lay in? Last weekend too
Fav song? ive got loads of fav but at the moment its the magic numbers love me like u and all daniel powters stuff

Fav movie? buster :oops:

Fav TV prog? hollyoaks

Fav Dinner? stew and dumplings or my mums sheperd pie(yummy)

Fav pudding? anything thats bad for me the more calories the better lol

Fav snack? crisps the ones called snaps

Fav colour? blue

Fav number? 7

Pet hates? ppl with attitude problems

Fav past-time? getting more than 2 hours sleep at one time

Last night out?went to a robbie williams tribute about a month ago and oh took me out for curry last week

Last lay in? fri morning ethan stayed over his grandmas
Fav song - this changes on a daily basis and depends on mood but I guess at the moment it would have to be spiders by system of a down

Fav movie - anything with Joaquin Pheonix in :D

Fav TV prog - erm... not a big tv fan but I liked aussie series the secret life of us, not on anymore though - boo

Fav dinner - Thai green curry

Fav pudding - Tiramisou

Fav snack - hummous and raw veg (i know its boring but i love my veggies)

Fav colour - silver

Fav number - 27 as its my birthday

Pet hates - at the moment fire works - am sick to the back teeth of them. Also ignorant people. Actually I could make quite a list as I am all irritable at the moment but i'm not usually like this honest!!

Fav past-time - spending time with OH, family and friends

Last night out - Friday when I went for a meal with friends

Last lay in - this morning, and I got breakfast in bed :D

If you could have picked your own name, would you, and
if so, what would you have chosen? now that I am older I would. Hated it when I was younger as I wanted to be called Susie, but relally like it now.

Would you change anything about yourself,if so,what? I'd love to be more organised, and not worry so much. Also find the talent to be better with money. Can't see a baby changing that though.

Describe yourself in three words: Friendly, considerate but selfish
Fav song? avril lavigne-sk8r boi

Fav movie? dirty dancing

Fav TV prog? eastenders used to b after life tho but its over now :(

Fav Dinner? fish an chips lol

Fav pudding? choclate

Fav snack? choclate

Fav colour? pink

Fav number? 51

Pet hates? bubbles

Fav past-time? sleeping

Last night out? ma m8z 16th birthday about a year ago

Last lay in? last saturday

If you could have picked your own name, would you, and
if so, what would you have chosen? ye i wud i wud like to be called jennifer

Would you change anything about yourself,if so,what? my age

Describe yourself in three words: crazy, stupid an loud

luv me xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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