father and daughter have a baby together


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2006
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http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/s ... 28,00.html

yes they knew they were father and daughter before they had sex.


They should be ashamed of themselves for bringing a child into the world. Luckily she's not deformed but she easily could have been, and imagine the bullying she's going to face. It's not right :shakehead:

and how could he even bring himself to have sex with his own daughter in the first place? Sick twisted people. :puke: :shakehead:
Yeah, I read about this too in a magazine. :roll: Isn't she pregnant again? I THINK they have a couple of kids together? x
clairescunny55 said:
thats sick. does that mean that the baby is his grandchild as well?

Is discusting & alot of people do it! Me and OH were watching a programme on the TV the other week about a Brother and Sister who are together and were being prosecuted for it. On the programme it showed the man on a forum dfedicated to it, I went on there just to be pure nosey (as I am :wink: ) and there were so many people on there doing the same thing. I can just about understand gay blokes and women but this is a whole new thing :puke: :puke:
I am all for "you can't help who you fall in love with" with regards to homosexuals because I am all for it. BUT (and it's a big but!) I DO believe you can stop yourself falling in love - Because it's a gradual thing, surely you would remove yourself from the situation before you have fallen?

IMO, it's wrong on every level. x
Wrong totally Wrong i have read about cases when they didnt know there brother and sister and things like that u can understand but not to do it knowingly :puke:
I read this in a mag last week, I was lost for words then and I am lost for words now!
:puke: :puke: So its her daughter and half sister and his daughter and grandchild :puke: :puke: What must her family think and I thought my OH's ex having sex with her cousin who she had lived with since she was little was sick...
I love my dad to bits... but the thought of shagging him repulses me! (not that ive ever given it any thought before) :puke: :puke: :puke:

Is this not illegal...its incest! :think:

Iv just opened the link...and they both even look like each other! :shock: :puke:
Ewwwww WHY????

And cant they get arreseted or something? Its never right.

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