Far to early for me to be panicing about this..


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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But holy crap that hurt, I just got a mega cramp in my tummy! Only lasted about 10 seconds but omg was not expecting it and ouchies. And baby hates it too, he was really still all morning but then started wriggling like mad, and my tummy was like hard. I was on the phone with my mum when it happened, and she said "Braxton Hicks." It cant be.. Can it?
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Yes it can x x I never had them so couldn't tell you but if your mw says it is then it probably was x x some women get them from really early on x x
I think Braxton Hicks can start anywhere from 15 weeks onwards. It could be that. Ask your midwife. :)
Sounds about right mine are really painful this pregnancyfhey were with my first pregnancy with bella too and with zander it just felt like tightenings no pain at all x
i have had them a few times not many tho, but i do get the ligament stretching pain thing and thats SOO painful.
Isobel I have that too!!! And wow it hurts!!! Not impressed!
This thread has scared me now!!!
As if braxton hicks can start that early :'(
Ive been getting that ligament pain and OH MY GOSH thats bad enough!! So I really feel for you if thats whats happening :hug:
I think i've been having the stretchy pain thing, but then it sounds like BH too.... im not sure! XD got MW on monday so I can ask her then I suppose.
Why do people always say pregnancy is easy when it so obviously isnt with all this going on???!!!
^^ enit!! It has to be one of the most uncomfortbale, embarassing, painful, fattening times a woman will ever experience!! Lol don't get me wrong it's nice to feel baby moving ect.. Butthat is only nice for a few week till theydind your ribs which mine already has done it's only nice when they kick to the side now but ob it's best as soon as they get 'head down' so you can't win either way lol! Then there is all the health complications the worrying the money! Urgh! And don't get me started on the birth hahahahaha! X
How many weeks are you momma kat? I'm on phone so can't see sigs!
Yeah its great feeling baby move about and knowing at the end of it all there'll be this gorgeous little child to love but holy crap is there any need for all the pain?? I think I might cry now...
She is 16 weeks hunni - I'm on my
phone and I can see everything just like on the pc - what phone have you got? X
I'm on my blackberry but not using the browser, using tapatalk :)
I read this title and my instant thought was "oh my goodness, she is worried about where to send her baby to school toooo!!" Lol! I keep forgetting that that's like - five years away!!!!! I'd never heard of braxton hicks before, so when you get them near the time you are due to give birth - how do you know they are not actual contractions?!?! I had ligament pain/stretching for first time the other night, made me yelp when it started cause it hurt so much!!! Horrid! xx
I get BH after sex, which is kinda why I've gone off sex a bit lol, just not worth it!! My mum did warn me beforehand though as she got the same when she was pregnant. So I have sympathy if you're getting them just whenever, at least I know when I'm gonna have them lol!!

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